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sdave455 · 41-45, M
Been doing that for decades now. You can actually beat life out of a satisfying victory against you. Every day you somehow manage to live well for yourself is a day life didn't get to treat you badly.

Just because you feel like it might suck now, doesn't mean you'll feel like it in the future. We need to be careful not to make drastic decisions when we are down. Because the clouds often don't last.
You’re gonna die eventually, just do something you enjoy while you’re alive.
When I have a dark day, I remember my mum.

After she was given her terminal cancer diagnosis, one thing she said to me is "I'm not ready to die".

I can't lie, we weren't ready for her to die either... 62 wasn't that "old" in today's terms - I mean, she never even got to state pension age, without them raising it "because we're all living longer".

I'm likely to die before I reach state pension age, too - but I remember that "I'm not ready to die" and draw strength from that. If she can fight as hard as she did to stay alive - then, I can fight through a shitty day... and another shitty day... and another.
Wol62 · 51-55, M
Please don't end your life. If you feel this way seek professional help. I bet you have a lot to live for.
djjohnson · 41-45, M
Get help in real life. Not on here.
uncalled4 · 56-60, M
@djjohnson This. None of us are qualified.
CestManan · 46-50, F
We get but ONE life on this planet, no need to end it any sooner than necessary.
MartinTheFirst · 26-30, M
You need God and the hope of a life in paradise that he has given all of us. Please read these articles...
What would make it worth living?

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