Carlam · 70-79, F
These are great questions that touch on some deep theological topics. In many Christian traditions, God’s Kingdom is understood as both a present and future reality. Some believe it’s not a physical place but a spiritual realm where God's will is done perfectly.
According to Christian belief, Jesus Christ is considered the appointed King of God’s Kingdom. Many view His life and teachings as central to the understanding of how God’s Kingdom operates and will eventually be established fully on earth.
According to Christian belief, Jesus Christ is considered the appointed King of God’s Kingdom. Many view His life and teachings as central to the understanding of how God’s Kingdom operates and will eventually be established fully on earth.
Aami1 · 26-30, F
Salt Late City
YoMomma ·
God's kingdom is Spiritual and is in a person's thoughts and intentions
eMortal · M
1.The Bible says the kingdom of God is within you.
2. Jesus is king
Now can I be baptized?
2. Jesus is king
Now can I be baptized?
James25 · 61-69, M
You are God's kingdom and God's Kingdom is within you
Willomk1 · 46-50, M
Yorkshire of course
Brian blessed is king no question
Brian blessed is king no question
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