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Somar · 26-30, M
Hey, I'm starting to learn about Islam, and I have a couple of questions, if you could help me. How important should the Hadith be in my religious life? And what role should the Sunnah have in my daily life, in a practical way?

Would appreciate your help! Thanks
that is a smart question Somar!

The Quran is the absolute word of God
Where he says
Al-Hijr - Verse 9
Indeed, it is We who sent down the Qur'an and indeed, We will be its guardian.}

the Quran has no mistake corruption or doubt
We have carbon dated Quran back to the time of the prophet Mohammed
And during the time of prophet Mohammed many Muslims memorized it word by word by heart just like millions of Muslims who do today (the Quran is the most memorized religious & secular book in The world and probably has been since the beginning )
There is only “one “ Arabic Quran wether you pick a Quran in China or in Poland or USA or Egypt etc
(However you might find more than one english translation of the Quran due to different choice of words but theyr all the same and all start with chapter fatiha and end with chapter Al nas , 114 chapters all together. But the Arabic original version is only one) unlike other religions for instance, Christianity you have many versions of the Bible
you have the Roman Catholic Bible and Protestant Bible etc (have different numbers of book!)..not only translations.

2/As for the Hadith,
They are extremely important indeed.
However , unlike the Quran , not every Hadith is correct.
Many people passed down a lie or make up Hadith even today and attribute it to prophet Mohammed.
That is why there is a science called علم الرجال (Biographical evaluation )
) a verified science even by universities such as Oxford which checks the accuracy of the Hadith the chain of narration and the trustworthiness of each person in the chain etc..
Many criteria
So you have to be extra careful with Hadith and double check it.
But you cannot deny Hadith all together.

Sunnah are the traditions and practices of the prophet Muhammad.
They are optional but recommended.

Hope I helped 💗
Somar · 26-30, M
@Islamreligion Thanks a lot for all the information, it really helps!
@Somar my pleasure

PhilDeep · 51-55, M
Thanks for the recommendation. Sounds interesting.

Also if he has that many thousand subscribers and videos, I'm guessing he's more informative than some of the not very informative meme based nonsense I saw on here one time and downvoted. Personally I tend not to discuss faith online due to people seemingly lacking basic respect for each other.
He is definitely not the most followed Muslim scholar on YouTube however I find his channel very educational and beneficial as he talks with people of “different” beliefs and at the spot !
I really do hope you find his videos Helpful
If not , do not hesitate to tell me and I’ll give you many other channels that might suit you better 💗
Oh I agree with you,
Never get educational information (religious or not ) from anyone on social media
Anyone can say anything.
If you want to learn Islam go to a mosque and talk with educated Muslim scholars with credentials or pick a Quran and read it cover to cover with authentic biography /interpretation of the verses
And not from Fox News.
My grandmother sometimes jokes and say “don’t people know the traits of the Fox ?”

Thanks for your beautiful and educated comment and I wish you the best
amourj · 26-30, M
He is ok. I have seen a few of his videos of him debating Christian pastors and his is very good at giving dawah. I would recommend his Channel too.

I also like "The Muslim Skeptic" Daniel Haqiqatjou. His Channel is very good as well.

Especially these videos.

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