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LostInTheDesert · 31-35, F

Danez · M
Adam77 · 26-30, M
@DanGerUs: I'm ready to pay the cash bro
Danez · M
@iNeedAGreenCard: $20K gets the ball rolling
Adam77 · 26-30, M
@DanGerUs: woah! you do realize if I had that much I'd easily learn my studies in some developed countries which are nearby 😒
greenmountaingal · 70-79, F
Offer cash and a situation that's worth it to the person. Offering love is silly since you don't know this person and you aren't doing this out of romantic love.
Adam77 · 26-30, M
@greenmountaingal: but what if love is the only thing I can give 😥
greenmountaingal · 70-79, F
@iNeedAGreenCard: You'll have to begin a long distance romance with someone. Personally, I have never understood how young women can become so intoxicated with these fantasy romances, but the fact is, they do. Find a young pen pal who is the gender you'd prefer and give the correspondance some time (2-3 months) before you suggest meeting in person. Don't rush the romance. Let it emerge naturally in the correspondance as you share feelings, struggles, hopes and dreams etc. You cannot promise undying love to a stranger you have not met.
Adam77 · 26-30, M
@greenmountaingal: I have to say you're really good at this, but thi problem is I'm not a romantic guy when it comes to texting but I'll try 😥 Thanks for your time btw.
Quizzical · 46-50, M
Considering your previous post about 'cheating advice' I am not sure how committed you would be to someone... 🤔
Adam77 · 26-30, M
@Quizzical: haha good one, I mean who tf is loyal? it's 2017 😥
Quizzical · 46-50, M
@iNeedAGreenCard: Well, I am for one... I am sure many others are too
Trevo · 26-30, M
There you go 🙄
$250,000 (US) and I'm yours, sweetie. Oh, I forgot. I'm not American.
@DrH69: No SW coins.
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Adam77 · 26-30, M
@Peekaboo: seeing those numbers made me forget how to read the numbers Jesus!
There's got to be a blowing vs blowing people up joke here somewhere..
Danez · M
@Fivehole350: who's blowing who?
Something like - you better be blowing me if I bring you over versus blowing other people up....I don't know, it's Monday.
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