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cosas · 41-45, M
How realist are those characters, really? Would the books sell just as well without the fan service?

Does nobody wonder why Germinal and The Grapes of Wrath are nowhere near as popular as Harry Potter and Pride and Prejudice?

I think one reason humanity is so collapsed economically (the majority of us still live in gruesome poverty) is because we live in fiction realms too much, and do not try to create the paradise right here.

Nope--never. I have found that my true heroes turn out to be actual people whom I have known most of my life.
JohnOinger · 41-45, M
@AliceinWonderland So what do you think of Jack Matthews From Big Brother & Would You Do Him
@JohnOinger nope!
JP1119 · 36-40, M
I like Princess Eilonwy! And Lyra Belacqua.
@JP1119 i am not familiar with those two
JP1119 · 36-40, M
@AliceinWonderland Princess Eilonwy is from the Chronicles of Prydain, one of which, The Black Cauldron, was made into an animated Disney movie. Lyra is from His Dark Materials series, which is now a tv series on HBO, and the movie, The Golden Compass is from that series. I am familiar with Gilbert Blythe but not the other two.
@JP1119 mr. knightley is in emma and i just finished reading northanger abbey which has henry. they are jane austen novels.
Caramelwonder · 36-40, M
Yes Selma hayak
@Caramelwonder do you have a favorite actress maybe?

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