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KevRtr44 · 31-35, M
Yes, ideally, Capitalism is structured around a thriving middle class. Without a well payed and satisfied middle class, production fails, and thus the social contract you speak of fails. However, with the rise of technology as of late, the Bourgeois seek to utilize automation in ways it should not be. Im fine with walking and talking robots, but they should be like toys for people to buy and use for personal reasons, not as our replacements. You already see some machines already, which ill use the automotive industry as an example, that have taken over formerly human jobs. It will only get worse. Scientists already are constantly augmenting robotics technology, and these scientists arent even Bourgeois minded people personally, but big industry will catch on and figure out a way to invade these accomplishments and use them for their agenda.
And im not even saying that we need to go to Communism again, or even Socialism, but something that we havent tried yet as a species, something that mixes the positives in all 3 structures into one. The tyrants that attempted communism didnt understand Marx whatsoever, they tried to redefine communism to their personal liking, and used to for their own authoritarian agendas, as a disguise. Therefore, the legacy of Communism is ruined because of these assholes like Stalin, Castro, Pinochet, and currently the Kim-Jong family in North Korea. If people want to know what true communism is, they should read Marx, and if not that, then look at the word itself and use language arts...COMMUNism...COMMUNity, working together as a COMMUNity of people, except scaled up to a global level. Yes, there have been philanthropists like Carnegie who invested his wealth as they should, back into workers and society. But they are few and far between, they dont exist nowhere near in the masses for Capitalism to have any moral argument whatsoever. And no, Trump hasnt contributed to the decline...YET. He has only been in office for a couple of months, but in the coming years, his policies will rapidly augment the decline of our country.
KevRtr44 · 31-35, M
As soon as Trump venerators star realizing that CEOs dont do a fuckin thing except sink into their affluence and actually respect the people that produce wealth...then maybe Capitalism can avoid its coming fall..lets say...50 more years tops...people like me have no problem assembling in the masses and shoving the wrath of the working class up their asses if need be...we would like to avoid that..the less blood the better...but we are more ready than you i gurantee that.
sunrisehawk · 61-69, M
@KevRtr44: Jeesh, You're more ready that the people with food and guns... Ya, right....

Threatening violence is easy, being ready to deal with it is another. Think about the number of people who are patriotic, go to church, work hard all week long and remember that those people don't often go to protests and rally's, but they will defend their principles and beliefs.

It is time we worked together and listened to each other. Threats don't cut it.
KevRtr44 · 31-35, M
Yea the people that have their their trucks, their dog, their god, their country music, ready to beat their wife if they dont obey, they have their guns and ammo and undergound doomsday bunkers. They can claim they are ready to " defend" themselves all they want. U think all leftists hate guns, we love being underestimated, it puts us at an advantage. Religion, racism, homophobia, there is nothing patriotic about that. Nobody works harder than low position workers who wake up every day andd go into work for wages that reflect indentured servitude. Work together? If and when there are more andrew carnegies out there they take action quick...theres no workin together. You want the left to stop bitching and stop making threats, meet our demands, respect our labor, and then it all goes away, if not, then we will take the respect that we have more thab earned but arent getting. 15 an hour, more for highet positions obviously, but 15 for starting wage, affordable healthcare, affordable education, lower prices so people in the middle can afford more than paying bills, and no dont try to say that if u want a highet wage then work ur way up, fuck that. Police stop gunning down unarmed people(all races) ive seen it done to all demographics, quit refusing business because someone is gay, quit yelling racial slurs all the time, then maybe, we can work together, anything short of those demands, get ur bibles out, get ur guns ready, get your doomsday bug out locations stocked, because the answer to 2017 is 1917

I agree with so much of what you say -I just think you overattribute too much to Trump

The trends you've described are well underway

Nobody has addressed executive pay

And humans being replaced with technology has been taking place for a very long time

Yes it will exacerbate -but no political party has committed to trying to stall or stop the process

Both sides are wedded to increasing efficiency and productivity
KevRtr44 · 31-35, M
Im attributing future happenings, that are sure to happen, to Trump. He has only been in office for 2 months, but unfortunately, he is indicating that he will deliver on his immoral promises, which means, in the coming years, he will implement more policies that only benefit the rich. He has never known what struggling is, neither has anyone in the history of his family, so any empathy he displays in his speeches is false. He is a businessman above all, and unfortunately a smart one to boot. He knows what makes CEO's happy, he is one. Its easy to predict what some presidents will do, and this man technically hasnt done much YET, but get ready. Hillary was bought out by the elites as well, she was just another side to the Bourgeois coin. Bernie was the only one who could have curtailed the negative things that are now to come with Trump. People like him are the prime example of Affluence and Decadence.
Yeah I agree on Trump and Hillary

With Bernie as a brief moment of light -where it became possible to dream that maybe just maybe, the growing social gulf could be addressed

I think it's just so ironic that they don't see they're ultimately digging their own graves

Push people past a certain point and they will rebel
KevRtr44 · 31-35, M
@Faerylight: indeed we will rebel, the day will come. Capitalism can enjoy its wealth and positive statistics that only work for the rich for now, they better enjoy it all while they still can, because their own over-production and their own technology will bury them in the end, once they displace human workers by the masses, they have created the Proletariat frankenstein that will overthrow them, What? do they think all of their tanks and weapons technology can really stop all 10s of millions of people from storming the white house and capital and prevent a takeover, they have another thing coming. If they want to change their hearts and start appreciating their workers and actually pay them, then things can quiet down, if not, they better get ready. I hope they keep underestimating the people actually, it puts us at a better advantage, underestimation results in tactical complacency, which if you know anything about warfare, will result in loss.
Chop Chop! :-)

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