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womanoftheworld · 51-55, F
The man offers no specifics to anything. I am voting third party. Insulting other people is not Presidential. The man is beyond ridiculous.

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carpediem · 61-69, M
Not a Hillary fan by any stretch. But people have their reasons for voting either for her or against Trump. Don't think calling them morons accomplishes anything. Rather, use your enthusiasm for getting your candidate elected, or contribute some substance rather than mocking others.
Northwest · M
@carpedium: I noticed that you were quoting verbatim from a right wing, necon website. In reality, here's what the numbers show:

Bush years

2001 -1.0
2002 1.8
2003 2.8
2004 3.8
2005 3.3
2006 2.7
2007 1.8
2008 -0.3

Bush leaves office, saddling the country with the worst economic crisis in more than 100 years. Note the 2004/2005 bump, as a result of the military spending overseas.

Now, the Obama years
2009 -2.8 - Bush effect
2010 2.5
2011 1.6
2012 2.2
2013 1.5
2014 2.4
2015 2.4

Economists were expecting a recovery progression, similar to the following:

1930 -8.5
1931 -6.4
1932 -12.9
1933 -1.3 - First FDR year
1934 10.8
1935 8.9
1936 12.9

In addition:

The NASDAQ gained 335% since the President took office. It has not reached its historical high, but that was during the artificial tech bubble, something the country does not need.

The Dow Jones gained 220% since the President took office, and is now at an all time high.

Unemployment is now at 4.9%.

Even the GOP naysayers, were not expecting this. Romney ran on a platform of having unemployment at 5% by the end of his first term. Economists did not believe him.

Yet, here we are.

And no, the housing market collapse was not the result of the Clinton administration policies. Insuring that housing was more affordable, is very different from allowing the banking industry run amok. If Bush had a problem with these policies, he had 8 years to do something about it. He had no clue, and his crew was more than happy to let thing run amok.

You believe that trying to reducing tension between the US and the Russians is a bad thing? You think that the missile shield is a good idea?

No on both counts. How are Poland and the Czech Republic in trouble today? How has Russia gained ground in both countries? What? the Ukraine? What's happening there is a civil war.

Arab Spring? Who the hell backed the Muslim Brotherhood in Egypt. Is the Muslim Brotherhood in charge in Egypt now? Last I heard, its leadership is on death row.

Lybia: the areas controlled by Islamic extremists, has always been controlled by Islamic extremists. These are extremist tribes. Gaddafi allowed them to operate, the current power base does not want to do the same, hence the unrest.

The list can go on? what list? the one you imagine exists?

We had no business invading Iraq, and it shows. Even the presumed legendary leader (Trump, to quote the US Nazis), is opposed to invading other countries.
carpediem · 61-69, M
@NW The economic recovery. President Obama is the first president in the history of the US not to have a single year of minimum 3% growth during his term. So much for recovery. The economy is stalled. The secretary of state had minimal contribution to any "recovery", but if she wants to hang her hat on that record, I'm all for it. After all, it was policy approved in the administration of her husband that led to the housing crisis that started it all anyway.

Foreign policy? The Russian reset was a victory? That ridiculous picture with her an a Russian official standing there with the red "reset" Look how well THAT worked out. Obama cancels the missile shield and leaves the Check Republic and Poland in the dust. And that was the first month of his administration. And Russia has taken advantage ever since.

The swift retreat from Iraq was a disaster fostering the advancement of ISIS. No status of forces agreement in place was entirely irresponsible. She wants to take credit for that one too?

Arab spring. Terrible lost opportunity. Backing the Muslim Brotherhood in Egypt? Really? Nice job in Libya by the way. We go from a criminal dictator to a state now controlled along the Med by radical Islamic extremists. That's an improvement?

The list can go on and on, but in my opinion, the Obama admin with Clinton at the SoS spot was a dismal failure.
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You're not going to make friends attacking people with different opinions. (Grade A moron) Not cool. Totally unprovoked.
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Northwest · M
The country rebounded from the worst economic crisis, under the guidance of a Democratic President. The economic crisis, was the result of 8 years of neocon and GOP leadership.

Hillary Clinton was part of the team that produced that recovery.

As to our foreign policy, the Obama administration, and Clinton was a key member, both as a Senator and as a Secretary of State, managed to reduce our military deaths and injuries, to almost none, from thousands, to almost none.

In addition, we managed to kill or capture every single figure taking part, or directing, every single terrorist operation against us, all under the leadership of the Obama administration.

This speaks volumes louder than lists based on hearsay and unproven allegations.

Yes, the carelessness with email is bad, but it does not match the level of nearly bankrupting the country, or outing US CIA agents, in the name of politics.
Northwest · M
@carpediem: "Never been to that website. Ever."

I did not say you copied from it. I am saying that the reason why these quotes all sound the same, is that they originated in one place, and are copied over.

"And my comment still stands. But if you think I'm going to read through gobs of copy and paste stats, you're mistaken."

Sure, why have an informed opinion, based on empirical data. Let's not look at the actual stats, and what they mean. If it wasn't for the economic stimulus program, the country would not have registered a recovery post the Great Depression.

The President requested such a stimulus, and was shot down by a partisan Congress.

"Obama has done a terrible job economically."

Yet, you cannot explain the low unemployment numbers. At first, the GOP created a political gridlock, to screw the people, for political gain, and when that did not work, they started taking credit for low unemployment.

"Just ask my wallet. I don't need a website to tell me what I have experienced"

Your wallet does not reflect how the entire nation feels. In my area, when Real Estate is more than 20% of where it was in 2008 (and in higher end areas, more than 100%), coupled with tightening of lending rules, to prevent those who cannot afford housing, from doing so, and a shortage of housing, what does that tell you?

Nationwide, the housing market more than recovered, with what some may fear could a bubble on the West Coast, and East Coast.
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carpediem · 61-69, M
@rebel Agreed. You go on rant and rave. I understand you feel attacked based on your beliefs. Believe me, owning a business I feel attacked every day. I fight like hell every damned day. But whining about it is for children. Taking real action to change is for patriots. I understand that's your intent. I get it. Just tone it down and you'll have better results. Much better. Debate isn't just who yells loudest.... well, it's not supposed to be anyway.
carpediem · 61-69, M
@rebel This Northwest guy is a bit of a nut. He's interjects his snobbish comments wherever he can. You won't find him saying anything good about Clinton, just bad about any one that tends to lean towards the right of center. Don't let his nonsense bother you. And also, he's a last word type. He'll whine and comment until he gets the last comment. Imagine living with someone like
carpediem · 61-69, M
LOL... this is fun. Thanks for the entertainment. I owe you one.
Northwest · M
@carpediem: that was sarcasm. The poster here was connecting the New Mexico rioters to illegal Mexicans. I simply borrowed a sentence from Trump and played with it.

Rioting is not a tactic that should ever be used to muffle free speech. A lesson Trump should learn, when he asks his supporters to commit acts of violence against protesters.
womanoftheworld · 51-55, F
And you are a typical Trump supporter firing insults. Please give me specifics on his tax plan (which he has changed), please give me specifics on raising the minimum wage (We also has changed), please tell me how Mexico is going to build that wall. Let's start with that.
carpediem · 61-69, M
@rebel. See what I mean?
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Northwest · M
@caroediem: To whom you decide to vote for, is your personal decision. I am not justifying my position, I am correcting misinformation.

I don't know what business you're in, but to claim that the Obama economic policies, are causing your business to falter, is about as large a hyperbole as 99.99% of Trump's statements, and I am including in that his latest claim about the California drought, and his claim that he can end it instantly.

Yes, of course numbers are meaningless when dealing with Trump and his supporters. I mean what's 37% difference between his unemployment figure claim, and reality?

The discussion is over on November 8, 2016, not when you decide. Got it?
womanoftheworld · 51-55, F
And here we go with the insults again. Goodbye sir and just a few minutes ago you were apologizing for the insults only to start them again. That pretty much sums up Donald Trump in a nutshell. Good day sir.
@womanoftheworld he answered all your questions in detail and instead of understanding what is being discussed you were only concerned about the 'insult' which was actually missing. What I feel, he apparently shut you up coz I was expecting something concrete out of you but nvm.
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Mortaritaville07 · 51-55
Come on now, she and bernie prommised us all unicorns and EVERYTHING in the world is going to be free. Which is why i don't understand why they are also prommising higher wages and more jobs.
Northwest · M
Last I looked New Mexico was a US state. You know for a fact that the rioters are illegals, pouring in from Mexico? You are well studied, so you must have some proof to back your statement.
Northwest · M
Strange. I got a notification that @crapediem posted a reply, but I cannot see it, so he must have blocked me, right after he posted it. You know he does not like people who want to have the last word.

Well, anyway, here's what he said:

"Confirming... you're a partisan hack who has no concern for people, just your wacko left views. And your rude to boot. We'll see what happens in Nov."

And you post this as proof that I'm rude, or that I'm a partisan hack? We'll see what happens is EXACTLY what I said.
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Northwest · M
Hi RebelWolf: If you want to convince the world that you're 'well educated' or 'well read', you might want to say that, instead of "I am well studied". Well Studied, means that you were the subject of many studies, but I don't want to speculate here.

@carpediem: as you can see, you folks need to work on the support base. If one screams like a brown shirt, and acts like a brown shirt, there's really no need for them to use the term Nazi. Sorry, but this was too good to pass up.
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carpediem · 61-69, M
@NW Look, with all due respect, I'm NOT voting for a liberal in Nov. So there's no need to further attempt to justify your position. I've been running my own busines long enough to know Obama's economic policies are not working. You can spit out all the stats you want. They are meaningless. HRC is going to get her fat butt kicked and we're going to be experiencing President Trump starting next Jan. End of discussion.
JohnOinger · 41-45, M
lol Trump is gonna lose Hillary is Gonna be our Next President Man Get Use To It man
carpediem · 61-69, M
@NW Trump isn't sending you anyone. Now, I acknowledge the original poster of this thread was in my opinion over the top with his rhetoric. But after watching the recent near riots in New Mexico with the "peaceful" protests, and indeed experiencing the radical left in Chicago, you can't tell me Trump is the guy sending in the bullies.
Northwest · M
@Mortaritaville07, it really does not matter what they're called. The point here is that your pal here says that the rioters in New Mexico are Mexicans who crossed the border illegally. Does this sound like a credible statement?

This is not to mention the threats of violence he makes in this thread's opening statement.
carpediem · 61-69, M
@bigasset While I agree with your comment about manners (I suggested the same in an earlier post in this thread), you insulted many by your assumption that if someone is displaying bad manners they are "definitely a Trump supporter". Not very nice manners either. I'd suggest you take some of your own advice.
Northwest · M
@carpediem: yet you provided a direct quote from epsnews.

10 year GDP status mean absolutely nothing, as they span 2.5 presidency, especially when you cherry pick. To be significant, all these years MUST have equal economic, political and military factors.

That would probably go over the heads of the folks at epsnews
carpediem · 61-69, M
@BigAsset Clarification acknowledged. Thank you.
carpediem · 61-69, M
@NW Never been to that website. Ever. And my comment still stands. But if you think I'm going to read through gobs of copy and paste stats, you're mistaken. Obama has done a terrible job economically. Just ask my wallet. I don't need a website to tell me what I have experienced.
carpediem · 61-69, M
@rebel I'm a Trump supporter. But I'm not an asshole. Putting others down for their beliefs is right out of the Saul Alinsky book. Rise above it. You'll have WAYYY better results if you engage people rather than bash them. Maybe that comes with maturity. Get some.
carpediem · 61-69, M
@NW Ahhh... we almost agreed. Well, I agree with your first paragraph. Not so much the second. But, I certainly agree no one should incite trouble. Not Trump, Clinton, Ayers, or any other political hack or professional agitator.
carpediem · 61-69, M
@womanoftheworld I agree the kid was out of line insulting you. But you're wrong lumping anyone who supports trump as a wack job racist. I'm a business owner, tax payer, and have a right to my opinion without a label just as you do.
Carpediem : my statement was sarcasm and euphemism in response to the post. I said 'dignified manners' not 'bad manners'. And the intent was definitely not to insult anyone except the intellect of the person writing the post.
Northwest · M
Yes, I agree that you don't seem to have a response to any issues, so you resort to sophomoric attacks. Further, you are replying to every single post I make, so your "having the last word" thing is plain hypocrisy.
Northwest · M
@carpediem says: " Let me save you some typing. I'm mo longer interested in this thread enough to read past the first couple sentences of your replies."

That's kind of what Trump does. Base it all on headlines.
Rebelwolf : I am a businessman myself. But my upbringing has definitely taught me not to hurl abuses or bully others who have a different point of view. Obviously thats something you have to learn....
carpediem · 61-69, M
@nw. Confirming... you're a partisan hack who has no concern for people, just your wacko left views. And your rude to boot. We'll see what happens in Nov.
Mortaritaville07 · 51-55
But you have to love these "peaceful demonstrations" th bernies and hillaries followers are having.
Most normal people would call them riots.
carpediem · 61-69, M
@NW. Let me save you some typing. I'm mo longer interested in this thread enough to read past the first couple sentences of your replies.
Northwest · M
@carpediem: Trump sends us people who are bullies, with bad manners and ill informed. Some, I assume are good people. I don't know.
Mortaritaville07 · 51-55
According to obama, hillary and bernie, we can't call them illegals. They are "undocumented imigrants".

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