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46-50, F
I am married and only here for friends and some friendly banter, nothing else!
About Me
About Me
The about yourself page is always such a pain... Well I'm wife of 21 years and counting, I have 4 mostly adult children and grand-babies! I have been an at home mom for most of my marriage and so I have been able sustain my thirst for knowledge by studying. It started with my college psychology class and Carl Jung. My funding for college went by the wayside and I just kept on studying. Jung led me to Philosophy, Hinduism, Buddhism, then theosophy, the study of different beliefs, theologies, and that scary word the occult. After all that, all I can do is borrow words from the great Mark Twain who said, “Truth is stranger than fiction, but it is because Fiction is obliged to stick to possibilities; Truth isn't.”