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Amaisieing · 22-25, F
Jesus was actually really gay and had orgies with his apostles

hippyjoe1955 · 61-69, M
There was an old farmer watching a young farmer trying to get his mules to pull his wagon out of a mud puddle. The young farmer was cussing and swearing and whipping the reins across the mules' backs but the mules simple refused to even try. The old farmer told the young farmer that he should treat his mules with love and respect, not cuss at them like that. The young farmer being completely frustrated threw the reins to the old farmer telling him that if he was so smart get the mules to pull. The old farmer walked over to a nearby brush patch, found a hefty stick, walked back to the mules and gave them each a tremendous whack between the ears. Then he got on the wagon gently shook the reins and clucked his tongue. The mules leaped forward and pulled the wagon to dry ground. The young farmer was shocked and even more angry. You said to treat the mules with love and you smacked then in the head he bellowed. Yup said the old farmer you have to treat them with love and sometimes you have to get their attention first.

Jesus sometimes has to get our attention and quite often we don't like it but that doesn't make Him mean it means we are stupid.
JennaBug · 31-35, F
@hippyjoe1955 I thought it was unkind to raise a dead daughter or heal a leapr and tell them to keep it secret. And what about putting demons into a heard of pigs that made the pigs jump into the water and drown? poor pigs. Then when they were in a boat and the waves were making it sink, his followers were scared and woke him. He was kind of rude when he said "why are you afraid? where is your faith?" Well you would be afraid, but they showed their faith by waking him and asking his help. I just thought sometimes he could be a bit mean.
cunningcrocodile · 31-35, F
How about "sorry Muslims, I don't want to upset anyone, but I think Muhammed was mean to people, sometimes".
cunningcrocodile · 31-35, F
@JennaBug I can tell you all about the other religions.
JennaBug · 31-35, F
@cunningcrocodile One day. I'm still learning about this one actually.
@cunningcrocodile that is a fair accusation. And If I'd have to guess the reason might be the history of harm it has. Add that to the current battles the extremist in the political arenas are proliferating with sections of the society that they wish to take rights away from.
I'd love to know when you felt he was mean. I don't deny it, just don't wanna have to read the Bible to find examples haha
@JennaBug wow what a monster. Healing the sick and dying. Fucking bastard had it coming haha
JennaBug · 31-35, F
@Qwerty14 Well that's probably a bit harsh. I just thought it was a bit mean is all.
th3r0n · 41-45, M
@JennaBug is it so much to ask to say don’t tell people? I mean he just made them whole when they never would have, and the crowds made it difficult to move about because they didn’t obey.

He was mean to some, the ones whose hearts he knew did not love his father, the ones he knew would seek his death. He called them a brood of vipers, children of hell, sons of Satan, but these things were true.

He was fair and honest and just.
Xuan12 · 31-35, M
I think a lot of them would be really delighted to hear that actually. Gives them an excuse.
JennaBug · 31-35, F
@Xuan12 What do you mean?
Xuan12 · 31-35, M
@JennaBug Emulation of Jesus is an ideal, so if he was mean, it means they can be/should be too.
JennaBug · 31-35, F
@Xuan12 Oh right. I understand now. Thanks :)
sighmeupforthat · 46-50, M
Videos or it didn't happen.
@JennaBug oh they did, being transgender has existed forever! I mean just look at all the robes!
JennaBug · 31-35, F
@JoanieNewHampshire OMG I meant televisions lol :D I just read what I wrote.
@JennaBug I know, I was just kidding! ☺️ Besides using TV for anyone who is TG, is a pejorative. And besides wanted a selfish excuse to say that! 😜

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