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My mam grew up with Caitriona Perry haha

williemcd · M
Wow.. he complements a woman.. HANGING OFFENSE!
Pherick · 41-45, M
@satanburger: You have somehow compared treating a woman with respect and dignity with living in Nazi Germany?

SatanBurger · 36-40, F
@Pherick: I am not the person getting bent over complimenting a woman's smile ;)
williemcd · M
Well...this thread has run it's course... have been entertaining...
JenniferB · 46-50, F
NY times-- fake news.
williemcd · M
@stormy223: These liberals are so much fun to play with aren't they!
Pherick · 41-45, M
@williemcd: Its sad that you think our government and what goes on in it, is about "playing" and making fun of people. It really is people like you that are what is wrong with this country.

I don't care about your politics, I care about your ability to use critical thinking and logic.

I am sure you will just make some rude, 1st-grade level "funny" comment to this, and think yourself the "winner". 🙄
williemcd · M
@Pherick: Back to the bridge you want to sell me... (Mr. Facts).. I might be interested... Is it on a paved road? Two lanes or one or more? What is it's gross carrying load? Is there currently a toll to use it? Don't try to sell me with a sales pitch....Just give me the facts hey?
luckranger71 · 51-55, M
Melania''s expiration date is coming up. This is usually the time he looks for a new one.
williemcd · M
@luckranger71: Perhaps you and Phff should think about a relationship...
williemcd · M
@luckranger71: I suppose you align yourself with the party that had a leader that got blowjobs in the offal office!
luckranger71 · 51-55, M
@williemcd: Ah the gay joke as an insult. Always available in the right wing toolshed. I'm straight as an arrow my friend. Surprised you're taking time to comment on politics when you could be setting up your next threesome.
williemcd · M
I think your time would be better spent pursuing your quest as to whether Canadian gas stations sell beans! As noted in your profile!
Pherick · 41-45, M
@williemcd: Seriously? You are a troll and a bad one. From that website you cited ...
Legumes — a class of vegetables that includes beans, peas and lentils —

So lentils are legumes and beans are legumes, that does not make a lentil a bean or a bean a lentil.

This isn't that tough.
williemcd · M
Ya got me there.. so it doesn't alter.. ya need to concern yourself about pressing matters like gas stations and lentils and dry-goods (which would include legumes or beans)...Concentrate on that in which you show promise... Avoid that which undermines perceptions of yourself.
williemcd · M
Perhaps your next pressing need will be to discern the proper pronunciation of tomato... Is it To mA toe or To maH toe?
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Pherick · 41-45, M
@lacsar: That you think it's OK for a sitting president to make comments like these shows that you are the pathetic one.
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Pherick · 41-45, M
@lacsar: The president called her over to the desk, while on the phone with the Irish PM, so he could gawk and make his creepy weird comments.

Try reading and learning something for a change.
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