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Rizzle420 · M
Were we always destined to be the first majority in history to celebrate each step towards becoming a minority in our own country?.... please explain this statement?... a country doesn't belong to the majority race of its citizens... it belongs to every citizen of every race and religion equally... how do you not know this?
LiberateAmerica · 36-40, M
@Rizzle420 That’s you’re example of misusing words? Lol Your ahistorical ideal for a country, one that has never once been achieved in history, fails to take into account societal cohesion and the importance of integration. It’s funny that you turned out to be the person who doesn’t even grasp the definition of definition. Continue to regurgitate babble and platitudes. It’s making my day
Rizzle420 · M
@LiberateAmerica What?... you're allowing your need to use big words to completely obfuscate your point... what has never been achieved in history?..

Graylight · 51-55, F

The tip of an iceberg of misconstrued data and misinformation.

Life is long in the world is large. What the US is experiencing currently is chaotic and uncertain but certainly not without precedent in different context. This country has survived worse than this and Will survive the current times. We are a baby nation still struggling with baby issues-as we mature, hopefully so will our behavior.
LiberateAmerica · 36-40, M
@Graylight You read one article that said that massive amounts of money printing is good for a country, and you think you made an argument? That's hysterical
Rizzle420 · M
@LiberateAmerica if you have a problem with how our currency works then blame Richard Nixon for taking us out of the Bretton Woods agreement... you'll notice that the economy started becoming much more volatile once he took us off the gold standard... but hey that's Republicans for you...they sure know how to screw up an economy...
Graylight · 51-55, F
@LiberateAmerica I posted one article, you dolt. I've read many more. And the crazy part? I even understood them.
You dewormer doesn't seem to be working. Up the dose.
This country has long been a Nation of immigrants. It is acceptable to have immigration laws, but not to demonize people seeking a better life, that’s certainly why the Europeans say they came. The only people who really have the right to bemoan the fact that they have "become a minority" in their "own country" are the descendants of Native Americans— those indigenous here for over 20,000 years, considerably longer than even the 1600s.
LiberateAmerica · 36-40, M
@bijouxbroussard The fact that colonizers took land away from Natives is not a justification to intentionally destroy a society. It's this kind of irrational, childlike revenge fantasy that creates such problems in the country. Your argument is "we deserve to suffer because of ancestral crime." Is that a serious attempt at conversation or a talking-point I've heard for 20 years?
@LiberateAmerica It’s a fact. If you have any sense of what is fair or just, it has to at least be considered. I stated that immigration laws (which exist) should be followed. The irrational childishness is demonizing people seeking a better life, like the fellow in EL Paso who murdered 22 people because he assumed they were here illegally. It’s like the persons who dropped a note in a friend’s mailbox telling her to "go back where you came from" (her family’s been in California since it was part of Mexico). Among the big problems in this country is the continuing and pervasive racism. Any serious attempt at conversation certainly has to address that.
Rizzle420 · M
The world doesn't hate us for our freedoms...the world hates us because we spend so much money on what we call defense but in reality the conservatives of this country believe that we should have a strong military so that we can dictate to other sovereign nations what they can and can't do... the reason conservatives want to spend so much money on the military industrial complex is because they know that their party and people who think like them are fine with the United States of America being the bully of the world and so now they've gotten themselves in a position to where they feel if we do not continue to throw money into this money pit we call defense spending then we'll become weak enough that the rest of the world will finally feel confident to take on their bully.. our military should be small enough that it forces us to play nice with the rest of the world.. we're not supposed to have an army that can take on numerous other nations at once because then we don't learn how to compromise with the rest of the world and understand that we do not make the rules for any nation but our own
LiberateAmerica · 36-40, M
@Rizzle420 Btw we’re not conservatives. You’re just incapable of not speaking in trite, irrelevant passages given to you by politicians and cable news.
Rizzle420 · M
@LiberateAmerica you assume that's where I get my information which begs the question where do you get yours?...
Rizzle420 · M
Using a lot of big words incorrectly doesn't make you a scholar... nor does it make you a savant of political argument...
Rizzle420 · M
@LiberateAmerica not even upset...lol..just disappointed
Rizzle420 · M
@LiberateAmerica you mourn your conception?....wtf is that?...we call this being a tryhard
LiberateAmerica · 36-40, M
@Rizzle420 Is your inability to understand based on a lack of education? Should I have dumbed it down for you a bit ?

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