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WRP26 · 26-30, M
Both sides are intolerant of each other at this point.
Budwick · 70-79, M
think I’d rather be shouted at in public than have a bomb sent to my home, but maybe that’s just me.

THAT'S how you excuse the left's abhorrent behavior? Cuz every-fucking-body on the hyperbolic left being rude, lying and mildly assaulting Trump and his supporters is better than being sent mail bombs?
Abrienda · 26-30, F
@Budwick Ones that were fake anyway, while ignoring the REAL cases I cited? But then these two leftist never let facts, logic or good taste stand in their way, especially if there is a sale on fake combat decorations or steel butt-plugs!
Oster1 · M
@Abrienda 😁!

Abrienda · 26-30, F Best Comment
Brilliant! I am a Eurasian Catholic with Jewish godparents living in Israel who lives in that part of Europe brutalized by Soviet Russia which has never stopped the Leftist maniacs (using the Arabic meaning of the word) here from calling me a)a white supremacist b) a NAZI, c) a Russian bot (obviously they don't understand what a "bot" is anymore than they know what a real "Nazi", d) a man who pretends to be a woman named Harriet06 called me a member of the KKK, not realizing I strike out on at least three counts with those people however few there really are left!

All reasoned, intelligent signs of debate ... as the Left understands it.

The Left which no fundamental moral values so it is foolish to treat them as if they wee "normal" people. They are only interested in power and will use whatever lie or "doublethink" they need to get it - or violence as in the case of ANTIFA - the most Fascist-anti-Fascist organization on earth!
KaraLuvz · 46-50, T
Sure you make absolutely ignorant statements and you complain about people calling you out on it@Abrienda
Abrienda · 26-30, F
@KaraLuvz Says the "Straight" Transgender who loves steel butt-plugs...I didn't think such a creepy group even EXISTED much less that you joined at least FIVE of them, including the one specializing in STEEL ones!

Speaking about being "called out" just have been.
KaraLuvz · 46-50, T
Called out? Oh no someone found something I posted on a public platform. What ever am I going to do? @Abrienda
KaraLuvz · 46-50, T
Same can be said of the right.
KaraLuvz · 46-50, T
Awww did the troll get her feelings hurt?@Abrienda
Abrienda · 26-30, F
@KaraLuvz Took you over a week to come up that?

Okay, time to finish this. You think calling me a troll could upset me? Uh-uh, sweetie...because every time I look at myself naked in the mirror, I KNOW what I am. I don't need to pretend.

Can you say the same?

So let me give you a little reality check since no one around you will.

You are not a woman.

You never will be a woman.You will never know how a woman feels having an orgasm (as I do - it's splendid FYI), will never know what it's like to bring new life into this world (as I will). What I will never know is how it feels to spend hours in surgery or to poison my body in order to be what I can NEVER be, as you will.

I will always be what you can never be no matter how hard you try - a REAL woman. You will only be to me and any other real woman what zirconium is to diamonds - a cheap imitation. A fake. A fraud.

A lie.

God saw fit to make me what you can never be - an attractive, sensual intelligent well-travelled sophisticated woman. And you need to get over that.

Take a good look at yourself in the mirror, accept what you never will be, then get serious help.

Have now said all there is to say to you so will not be answering nor reading your reply. Good luck - you will need it!😙
KaraLuvz · 46-50, T
So I don’t come on every day is that supposed to infer something. I know exactly what you are too, a vile excuse for a human being. You think you are all high and mighty. Guess I’ll see you in hell Lol hahahah@Abrienda
WRP26 · 26-30, M
Stolen valor huh? I earned the title of a United States Marine in 2016. I could post a picture of me in uniform but what would that prove? You don’t know my name or who I am. You can disagree with me about how the left treats the right equally unfair and vice versa but don’t turn the conversation and come at me for stolen valor. Have a nice day. @Abrienda
KaraLuvz · 46-50, T
I know my limitations do you?@Budwick
Abrienda · 26-30, F
@KaraLuvz "...but what do I know I’m just a college educated American"

Exactly. Some of the worst educated people on earth. What was your degree in? "Transgender Flower Arrangement and Inter-Dimensional Dance Therapy?"

As for being "educated" I speak three languages while you can barely handle the one we are using now.

But I do grant you have more experience in everything concerning the use of steel butt-plugs...or was THAT you degree program at "college"?
KaraLuvz · 46-50, T
You assume I only speak one language and no my degree is not in some fine arts bullshit. Also travelled the world in the military so yeah you are still an idiot @Abrienda
TheShanachie · 61-69, M
I’m left handed but use my right hand often.
Hahahaha I feel ya buddy! 🥰😜
akindheart · 61-69, F
yeah...i get it too!
SevIsPamprinYouAlways · 56-60, F
[image deleted]

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