A Very Successful Attitude Adjustment.... Birdie
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After I turned 18, I considered myself too old to receive corporal punishment. But when I lived at home and acted like a childish brat, I was treated like one.
I had became sexually active with my boyfriend, Mike. When he left for college, I felt very sad, lonely and depressed. I really missed Mike and the hot sex we had. I became very horny but I no longer enjoyed self-pleasuring. It just made me feel even more lonely and depressed. I'd much rather wait for a man to pleasure me. Since we would be apart for so long, we agreed that it would be okay for us to have safe sex with someone else.
But I didn't want anybody else. I only wanted Mike. Unfortunately, I couldn't shake off my depression and I took my frustrations out on my poor mom with sassy remarks and a very bratty attitude.
When mom finally had enough and tried to discipline me with her paddle, I wouldn't express any remorse. I foolishly acted as if her paddling didn't hurt - even though it did.
Since dad was working late, mom called our next-door neighbor, who we had always called uncle Phil - even though he wasn't really my uncle. She explained the situation and I was soon sent next-door to be properly disciplined with explicit instructions to remove my jeans and my panties upon arrival.
I had never been discplined by uncle Phil before so I felt some apprehension. But, to my surprise, I also felt strong pleasant feelings of erotic arousal. The idea of me undressing in front of Uncle Phil and being disciplined by him suddenly made me feel extremely horny.
"I'm very sorry, Uncle Phil, I hope helping Mom with my discipline isn't disrupting your evening".
He replied "I'm always happy to be of service so you needn't worry about my evening. But, from what your mom tells me, you should be very sorry for your behavior, young lady. Follow me." Arriving in the living room, he sat on a kitchen chair that he had placed there for the occasion.
Remembering Mom's instructions, I quickly removed my shoes and pulled my jeans and my panties down to my ankles and stepped out of them. As I stepped out of my panties, I felt even stronger feelings of erotic arousal.
Being a real gentleman, Uncle Phil said "you don't have to remove your panties if it makes you uncomfortable. We can just uncover your bottom as needed."
Not wanting to put my panties back on, I replied "my mom told me to remove them and I don't think I should disobey her".
I then noticed that Uncle Phi had a big stiff bulge in his trousers so I added "I can put my panties on if it makes you uncomfortable."
"No, leave them off. I'm fine if you are" he replied as his lovely stiff bulge looked even bigger.
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He motioned me over and guided me into position across his lap. With his hand resting on my bottom, he said "you need an attitude adjustment and a firm reminder to always be loving and respectful to your mom."
First he tenderly rubbed my anxious bottom like he was sorry to have to hurt me. He then commenced to slowly, methodically and quite effectively slap my entire bum. I was almost to tears when he stopped and asked "why were you so mean to your mom when your boyfriend went off to college."
I tried to answer the question but I couldn't. I had no answer and I immediately felt awful. It was like the spanking and the question turned on a light by which I could suddenly see my childish and hurtful behavior towards my mom. I was very ashamed of the brat I had been and felt overwhelmed with guilt and remorse.
"I have no answer, uncle Phil. There is no answer. I feel terrible" I replied.
Soon I was standing behind the chair, leaning over with my hands on the seat. As I was awaiting my strapping, I had some feelings of arousal. When he started to strap me, pausing for different lengths of time in between swings, it wasn't long before my feelings of arousal dissipated and I only felt the well deserved pain.
I was soon doing the dance of wiggling my bottom back and forth, side to side and all around trying to avoid the next swing of his strap. Uncle Phil just waited for me to settle down and then continued strapping me - sending my bottom back to it's involuntary wiggling.
As I was doing this dance, I sobbed "I'm so sorry, Uncle Phil. I'm very sorry, Uncle Phil. If my mom was here, I would tell her how much I love her and how sorry I am. I'm so sorry, Uncle Phil. Thanks for helping Mom with my discipline, Uncle Phil. I'm very sorry, Uncle Phil. I've learned my lesson so you can stop if you want to, Uncle Phil. I'm sorry. I'm very sorry. I'm so very sorry for hurting my mom, Uncle Phil."
He continued intermittently strapping my dancing bum until he was certain that I had learned my lesson. He then stopped, called my mom and told me to talk to her. Still crying, I sobbed. "I love you, Mom, and I'm so sorry. I'm so very sorry for my behavior, Mom, and I love you very much. Please forgive me. I promise to behave much better. Uncle Phil strapped me and my bottom really hurts. I'm going to behave much better and I love you so much, Mom."
Then Mom thanked uncle Phil for his help and said that I sound like I really mean it.
Uncle Phil said that he was hopeful that there had been a successful attitude adjustment and he recommended some periodic maintenance discipline.
Mom thanked Uncle Phil again and said she would report on my behavior in a week and definitely send me back for any maintenance discipline needed.
As Uncle Phil was rubbing some cool soothing cream onto my well warmed bottom, I asked him how maintenance discipline would be different. He assured me that as long as my mom was happy with my behavior, my maintenance spankings would be much shorter, much less painful and afterwards he would massage me anywhere I wanted.
Massage me anywhere I wanted after mild discipline?That sounded pretty good actually. I began to feel very aroused again and I wondered if I could ask him to rub my pussy or to finger me. Could I ask? Would he do it? I decided to definitely be on my best behavior. Lol.
I was captivated by the idea that Uncle Phil would massage me anywhere I wanted after some mild discipline. I really hoped I could ask him to finger me. I really love being fingered so very much. It feels so delightfully good.
I was very horny. It had been a while since I had a release but I no longer enjoyed pleasuring myself. After knowing the joys of being in a tender loving relationship, I'd much rather be pleasured by a man. I became so sweet and loving towards my mom that she marked the date of my maintenance spanking on the calendar. I couldn't wait. Lol.
When the day finally arrived, all I could think about was how I would ask uncle Phil to massage me. When Mom called and told him how pleased she was with my excellent behavior, they decided to schedule weekly maintenance discipline. I was told to be at uncle Phil's at 1pm sharp and to quickly remove my jeans and my panties upon arrival. I couldn't wait to get there. Lol.
When I arrived, he greeted me with a warm smile and I thought I may have detected a bulge in his trousers. Once again, obeying mom's instructions, I quickly removed my sneakers and pulled my jeans and my panties down to my ankles and stepped out them. As I was picking up and folding my clothes, I noticed that he now definitely had a big lovely stiff bulge in his trousers. Lol.
He sat in the chair and guided me over his lap. I told him that I had a great week and that mom and I were both enjoying my new attitude. I thanked him for helping with my discipline as he was now tenderly rubbing my bottom. He told me how pleased he was with my progress and that this spanking would just be a slight reminder of what would happen if I let my behavior backslide.
He started to spank me with moderate intensity then after a slight pause he told me to count slowly to twenty. As I counted, I received twenty firmly delivered slaps to alternating cheeks. He rubbed my bottom tenderly and then picked up his paddle. He again told me to count slowly to twenty. As I slowly counted, he delivered the twenty firm swats to alternating cheeks.
He then told me to stand and lean over the chair as I did before. As I was leaning over the chair, awaiting my strapping with uncle Phil standing behind me and with my warmed bum and my wet pussy on display, I felt strong feelings of arousal as uncle Phil was about to strap me and then massage me anywhere I wanted.
I was waiting patiently when suddenly I felt the strap sting the middle of my bottom hitting both cheeks at once. Then I felt uncle Phil tenderly rubbing my bum cheeks where I was hit. Then another long pause followed by several hot kisses of his leather strap on my ass cheeks. Then I felt him tenderly rubbing my cheeks again.
After another pause, the strap was being lightly applied to my thighs just below my bottom. Then he was rubbing my bottom and the insides of my thighs so very close to my womanhood. I felt so incredibly wet and aroused. He told me to let him know if he was rubbing me the wrong way. I assured him that he was rubbing me perfectly. Lol.
He told me to spread my legs a little. I quickly and eagerly obeyed. After another pause, his leather strap was being firmly applied to my bum and then lightly applied to the insides of my thighs. As he was rubbing my bottom, I couldn't wait for him to rub my thighs again. As he was again rubbing the insides of my thighs, the side of his hand occasionally grazed my wet pussy.
Every time his hand grazed my wetness, I moaned in delight. After a while my loud moans announced that I was very close to orgasm but I didn't really want to orgasm. I just wanted to enjoy the delightful sensations of erotic arousal.
Somehow, Uncle Phil knew that I didn't want to be brought to orgasm. He stopped what he was doing and stood behind me tenderly rubbing my bum. As I was basking in the delightful sensations of erotic arousal, he asked me how I was doing and how I felt so far. I told him that I was doing incredibly well, thank you, and that he had been rubbing me perfectly.
I glanced around behind me and, to my delight, I saw that he still had a very strong stiff bulge in his trousers. Somehow, seeing the lovely bulge, gave me the courage to ask for what I wanted. I told him that there was something I would like him to do for me but I didn't know if it was appropriate.
He said that this is our private discipline session and I could ask for and talk about whatever I want and whatever is said or done in our private session remains private. I told him that, if it was okay with him, I would like to relax and be gently fingered.
He said that he would be happy to gently finger me but only because my mom is so pleased with my behavior and with my new attitude.
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He led me to the kitchen where I comfortably rested my upper body on the large counter as my warmed bottom and my very excited wet pussy were raised behind me in a very accessible manner. As uncle Phil took position behind me with his strong rigid manhood in his trousers and his leather strap in his hand, I was so excited, aroused and ready. Lol.
After a dramatic pause, I felt his leather strap delivering hot kisses on my bottom that hurt so good followed by more tender strap kisses on the inside of my thighs. Then, while he was rubbing some soothing cream onto my strapped bottom with his left hand, he rubbed his right hand on the inside of my thighs, and gently probed my warm, wet and welcoming womanhood.
He then gently and delightfully inserted his finger into my wetness and entered my pleasantly pulsating Palace of Pleasure and remained inside - thrilling me with soft, slow and gentle movement.
I was quite happy to to be gently fingered and I wasn't looking to be brought to orgasm. After all, we were only on our first date. I didn't really consider the initial punishment visit to be a date because it was spur of the moment and unplanned. Lol
As I was feeling the incredible sensations of his experienced finger gently moving inside my softly throbbing pussy, there was nowhere else that I would rather be and nothing else that I would rather be doing.
The conclusion to this story:
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