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wonkywinky · 51-55, M
Well,as a British person who voted to quit the EU,i can sympathise with the Confederacy.
Just like S.Carolina who seceeded from the USA in December 1860,the UK seceeded from the European Union in 2016.
Let anyone try to drag us back in without due political process and i would fight to preserve our independence.

Notanymore · 36-40, M
It's about resources and distribution of economy, State's rights as opposed to federal sovereignty, tax collection and distribution and of course slavery played a huge political point. History is always taught and interpreted by the winner.
@Notanymore Indeed. If the people of Texas voted to secede today would you support them in doing that? I'm Australia there is always some talk of Qld and Western Australia doing that, but never serious
wildbill83 · 36-40, M
@Notanymore and a bittersweet/hollow victory by any modern definition. The union suffered 30% more causalities despite outnumbering the confederacy two to one...
wildbill83 · 36-40, M
Most people today are completely ignorant about the actual history of the civil war, they make it solely about slavery and completely ignore any other context.

In essence, the federal government did the same thing they're doing today; rally fools behind a controversial issue as a means to undermine the Constitution & the Republic this country was designed to be and give themselves more power
@wildbill83 yes, it appears to have been about a lot more than slavery.

Are you saying that it was Federal overreach? It's again hard to separate from the issue of slavery (which is very emotive) but are you saying it was an issue of the Feds not respecting the rights of States to make their own laws or that the Constitution and the Republic was meant to be a voluntary union, and the ability to secede was built in?
wildbill83 · 36-40, M
@Activitykittens the founding fathers would be appalled at the amount of federal taxation we have today. Taxation without representation was the primary grievance of early colonists and trigger for the American revolution.
The south didn’t have the means to survive the
Secession. They needed the north but too arrogant to see it.
wildbill83 · 36-40, M
@NoGamesTolerated united under what?

God? The Flag? many these days would call you a nazi or white supremacist for suggesting such a thing...🤔
@wildbill83 Don’t get those days mixed up with now.
@wildbill83 The whole world
Has lost its mind… and **I don’t care who secedes from who!!**
AthrillatheHunt · 51-55, M
The civil war was about states rights . Same as legal weed and abortion .

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