Sunshine04 · F
of course.. doesnt everyone learn that in history ?
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Sunshine04 · F
@revenant yeah we have an extensive education about everything that touches the ww2 history... well the european part at least. i never heard about the nanjing "incident" until this year
revenant · F
@Sunshine04 yes this one came of late too ! I was watching some youtube highlights of a movie but the full movie was not in my language although one documentary was
Dlrannie · 31-35, F
@Sunshine04 Also known as the Rape of Nanking - over 200,000 massacred by the Japanese Kwantung Army ☹️
TheSirfurryanimalWales · 61-69, M
I shall look it up
Yulianna · 26-30, F
@TheSirfurryanimalWales true
TheSirfurryanimalWales · 61-69, M
@Yulianna [media=]
Yulianna · 26-30, F
@TheSirfurryanimalWales looks like you found it...
Yulianna · 26-30, F
yes, i think i have heard most versions of this incident.
Thinkerbell · 41-45, F
Yes, and quite a few other Soviet Russian atrocities.
Yulianna · 26-30, F
@Thinkerbell 🙂
TheSirfurryanimalWales · 61-69, M
@Thinkerbell I have decided to educate the other place about this.
Thinkerbell · 41-45, F
Dlrannie · 31-35, F
Yes - along with Oradour sur Glane and Bibiyar
SirenCalledLuce · F
Yes. The Katyn massacre, the My Lai massacre, Kragujevac massacre. It’s world history.
revenant · F
@SirenCalledLuce I admit I do not know about that last one you mention !
SirenCalledLuce · F
@revenant A massacre of Serb boys by occupying Germans.
revenant · F
@SirenCalledLuce ah thank you !
Mugin16 · 46-50, M
Yes, I did. I have also watched the very good Polish movie about the massacre.
BridgeOvertroubledWaters · 61-69, M
Yes , where the Soviets executed Polish military officers and intelligentsia when Nazi Germany and the USSR divided Poland as part of the Ribbentrop Molotov agreement in August 1939 just before WW2 started.
The Soviets blamed the Germans.
The Soviets blamed the Germans.
luctoretemergo · 61-69, M
That Joe Stalin had a mean streak.....
luctoretemergo · 61-69, M
@revenant If you want to explore people being bad to people look up the Croation Ustase....I'm sure some historian will correct me but they we're allied w/the Nazis. Basically some Nazis at one point visited some of the camps they we're running and we're like "you guys should really throttle it back a little" if the Nazis thought they we're bad, they we're REALLY bad!!!!
revenant · F
@luctoretemergo thank you I will look it up !
cherokeepatti · 61-69, F
@luctoretemergo they strung eyeballs of victims up and wore them, sick. They also were said to have taken a pregnant woman who was in labor and tied her to a tree branch and when she gave birth let dogs eat the baby. Sadistic to the extreme
assemblingaknob · 31-35, F
There was so much blood being shed everywhere in the world during ww2 it's crazy. 😨 like I don't even want to imagine it.
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