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strictshorts · 61-69, M
Since I wrote this, I have taken early retirement. This means I wear shorts all the time. Maybe not as short as university. Usually about a 5 inch inside leg. However I do also wear my short denim shorts when I can get away with it. Which is more then you can imagine.
slippered · 61-69, M
@strictshorts interesting reading, and good to read you are now 'exclusively' a shorts man. I must assume you have good legs so able to 'carry off' the look lol. I confess to liking to see a man wearing shorts. 👍
strictshorts · 61-69, M

Well yes I am a shorts man. I do not want to be vain but yes I do Yoga, go running, go to the gym etc, so do have reasonable legs not something I have really thought about. I tend to wear rugby style shorts from cotton traders as normal wear and shorter denim shorts when I can get away with it (Also a lot of sports shorts). Another thing is that wearing shorts all the time gives my legs a tan which helps.

The main reason I wear shorts is that they feel comfortable to me, also I try not to be to fanatical so if it is ridiculously cold I might wear some track trousers. Mind you thinking back to when I was nine or ten years old I can remember walking to school in my school shorts in the snow (In those days most boys my age were the same).
slippered · 61-69, M
@strictshorts thank you for the reply...sounds a good 'wardrobe' to me :-)

BlueVeins · 22-25
[image/video deleted]
strictshorts · 61-69, M

Really good
strictshorts · 61-69, M
I would add this went right through to my PhD as a mature student in my thirties. So I almost had a second boyhood, staying virtually all the time in very short denim shorts for about 10 years.

I used to cycle to college on my mountain bike so cycled 16 miles every day and further afield over the weekend always in my shorts (Mainly cycling to indian takeaways). When I started I thought maybe I should change when I got to college but decided not to bother since my shorts were very comfortable to wear. I did get some looks as by the-time I was finishing my PhD the fashion for short shorts was ending-not that I cared tuppence.
Are you in cycling shorts or are you in certain kinds of dress shorts in your PhD years? And how old are you at that moment?
strictshorts · 61-69, M
Hi During my time at college, I stayed in my denim shorts, they were fine for cycling and did not need to change out of them when working in the lab. They were worn pretty much all the time, summer and winter.

As my profile indicates I am in my fifties. I still like to wear shorts as much as possible, sadly not at work for safety reasons.
It was good old days... Before baggy shorts.

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