Tanya02 · 41-45, F
Just us
craig7 · 70-79, M
Anyone who has visited the U.S. and paid any attention,knows that real-life Americans of all types and backgrounds,bear little resemblance to those in TV and movies - just as here in Australia,media types and most of the rest of us aren't the same either.
JimboSaturn · 56-60, M
They are a lot less reserved than other people.
monellla731 · 46-50, M
coffee 2
bijouxbroussard · F
There are so many different kinds of people here and possibly the ones who are theatrical are the one who’d be on tv. The quiet ones stay home.
Max41 · 26-30, M
They are a threat coz they are not american .
MrNightSky · 46-50, M
Honestly, I don't know but I hate it. I'm low key and I kinda hate living here because of it.

most ppl here are FAKE