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xRedx · M
Hmm, it's always good to keep a good spirit when it comes to finding someone to love
xRedx · M
@luna23456 days, weeks, years. Who knows.
luna23456 · 26-30, F
@xRedx ive heard of people dating off here but i don't think i could ever do that to me it isn't really a relationship if you never met the person.
xRedx · M
@luna23456 I suppose we all have different likes and dislikes. But yeah, meeting someone in person is something I'd prefer as well

JackWhite07 · 51-55, M
I see what you mean... perhaps better to be content than miserable because you can't live an ideal. I'll keep dreaming then!
I think it's healthy to believe in soulmates. Are you actively seeking, or just wishing?
What could be the harm in believing in soul mates? How could it be unhealthy?
OCguy · M
you need to kiss a few frogs first :)

You have lots of time Luna :)
Notme0808 · 36-40, M
Azlotto · M
No one on this planet can tell you when/where/how you will meet your soulmate...That bullshit: "you have to kiss a lot of frogs to find your prince" could be true, but what prince wants someone that has warts.

I hope you find your soulmate.
luna23456 · 26-30, F
@Azlotto sooner or later but thanks
Azlotto · M
@luna23456 My comment is more of an opinion than advice...Love found me when I least expected it.
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luna23456 · 26-30, F
@SW-User thats what i am hoping
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