asdfghjklzxcvbnmqwertyuiop · 22-25
you know, maybe he had a reason , maybe he didn't but in the end it doesn't really matter , the way he distanced himself from you shows that he doesn't want you , not that there is something wrong with you (or maybe is ,idk you) but don't be to hard on yourself , try to relax and heal , focus on you and after some time find another one (sorry if I look like I don't have a heart , I'm just trying to be as objective as I could , you must be having a hard time)
s1nx4my · 18-21
@asdfghjklzxcvbnmqwertyuiop thank you so much and honestly i've been trying to for so long but i just keep relapsing over and over again. i miss how great he made me feel and how loved i felt when he was so sure of me. i guess i just miss that idea of him.
asdfghjklzxcvbnmqwertyuiop · 22-25
@s1nx4my ☺️don't worry you're doing great.
StraightLacedLADY · 46-50, F
So sorry...