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You know this is a pro-choice group right? You don't see us running up into the pro-life group telling you what to believe.
And no, it's not murder. Abortion happens before the baby is living. You can't kill something that isn't alive.
@Theosis That's cute how the only real comeback you have for me is to throw punches at my username 😂. Perhaps I'll change it to something like "Babymurderer420" to make it a little easier for you next time.
Anyhoo no, the fetus is not developed enough to be consider technically alive at the time any reputable abortion clinic would abort it. The heart doesn't start beating until eight weeks and the lungs don't even form until ten. Next time do your homework before you try to call others ignorant.
Theosis · 56-60, M
Sweetie, an active circulatory system is not the definition of life. Religion and morals aside... the moment the sperm fertilizes the egg, a single cell (zygote) is created and a human organism (human) begins. It may not be developed, sentient life, but life begins. If it didn't, it wouldn't advance to a baby. This is basic Jr High School Science 101.

You really need to bury your nose in a book instead of a bag of weed.

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Ohmy111 · 56-60, M
Abortion is murder about as much as a miscarriage is suicide.
nojudging · 61-69, M
@Theosis: Oops, my bad.
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@CoxswainOtter Most abortions are carried out when the human embryo is indistinguishable from a chicken embryo.

Late-term abortions are carried out when the mother's life is in danger or the fetus has a condition incompatible with life. Opposing late-term abortion is unspeakably evil.
"Murder" is a legal concept. If abortion is legal, it's not murder. Try calling the cops on the local clinic and see what happens.

If a radical vegan says "meat is murder," that doesn't make it illegal. It's just using a loaded term for its emotional effect, which is what you're doing. Misusing words doesn't help your argument.
Abortion is murder.
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MuteMeDaddy · 18-21, F

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