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BibleData · M
Being alone together is an inner need and an outer necessity.


We're not alone. God is constantly there. It just depends on who wants to know and acknowledge him.
sree251 · 41-45, M
@LadyGrace You are not alone as long as you have someone to talk to or relate with. But inwardly, when you are by yourself, you are aware that you are all there is. Only you, and you die alone.
@sree251 I understand what you're saying. I've been living alone, since 2005, when my husband passed away. There's also this thing where a person can live alone, yet not feel or be alone. But if someone does feel alone there's no crime in that certainly. Nothing wrong with that. I think it depends on how a person looks at things. Do I sometimes feel lonely? Yes, I'm human. But I know I'm not alone truly because I happen to believe in the Lord. Some don't. That's up to them. And yes, when we live alone, we have to take care of ourselves. Certainly, no one's going to do that for us are they? Haha I think there's things though that people can do not to feel so lonely like visit with friends or ask friends to come over or family if they have family. But as far as dying alone, I may just pass away by myself in my apartment, but I will never be alone because I know Who holds my hand, and my future.
sree251 · 41-45, M
@LadyGrace Hey, I am not trying to rock your boat. You sound like a pretty stable gal and that's great even if belief in God keeps you that way. The most important thing in life, in my opinion, is to live safe and happy. 2005 was a long time ago. 18 years without your life partner. You are like that rock upon which Jesus built his church.
Ynotisay · M
Well-stated. But there's another side. I think learning to be alone and acting independently, without feeling lonely, carries a lot of weight too. It's not that hard if you're not needy or feel compelled to be part of a group. Lots of paths up the mountain.
sree251 · 41-45, M
@Ynotisay Why do you think we talk to each other? Conversation dispel loneliness. This is why I talk to you and others. I am very independent. I have no family, no personal relationships, and live by myself. I don't even keep a dog anymore. I don't even have a job. I quit when I realized that I don't have to work for a living. I don't need to be part of a group, any group. Having said that, we are not meant to live in isolation. Being together is our nature.
Om2014 · 31-35, M
Interesting thoughts
Om2014 · 31-35, M
@Ynotisay u r right. Prima facie we can safely make the conclusion based on what we see. But when we learn to "see" more out conclusions change. So it's about expericing more than what usually human beings do with limited senses. I'm not patronizing when i say that
Ynotisay · M
@sree251 The funny thing is that it appears you think you're being, uh, provocative or have come up with some kind of theory or perspective on life that only you can understand. Dude? Sit down. Just because you need to blame, whine, complain, which is typically the jumping off point for the rabbit hole crowd I mentioned, or need to give yourself credence as an "outlier" with some unique "stance" doesn't equate to anything of value. Just so you know. So if you need to parse words in an attempt to feel superior, go for it. Those of us with a handle on reality will just shake our heads and chuckle at the impotency. Have a good one.
sree251 · 41-45, M
@Ynotisay I know you understand me more than you want to admit. I don't feel superior at all. It is you who feel inferior, and that speaks well of you. Of all the monkeys in the cage, you are the smartest because you can sense that I am talking to you from outside the paradigm of reality. You can't get out, and if you could reach out through the bars of your cage, grab me by the neck and throttle me, you would do it.
Humans are in habit of living in groups from 30 million years.

I believe, after 20 years your habits becomes your nature..
Chelsiegirl · 46-50, T
Did u copy and paste that
sree251 · 41-45, M
@Chelsiegirl You talking to me?
Teirdalin · 31-35

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