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joediamond · 36-40, M
Yes,because that's what ole Been Franklin tells us to do.

Peaceful · F
I think there are habits you can put in place to ensure contentment. And as a byproduct moments of happiness can be found.
Peaceful · F
@wetncthru wouldn't know. 🤷
wetncthru · F
@Peaceful Nor would I!
LyricalOne · F
@Peaceful Yes, exactly. That's what I was getting at. I think people waste a lot of time trying to catch happiness, like kids with bubbles. 🙂
wakanda4eva · 26-30, F
YESSS, but like not happiness specifically, actually I'm not sure xD but like a balanced life, with LOTS of highs!😀 but to accept the DEEEEP lows👀🐟
LyricalOne · F
@wakanda4eva Yes, pursuing meaningful things in life which will hopefully bring happiness.
Supesun · 56-60, M
Yes of course. Strive for happiness and you have a chance of finding it.
LyricalOne · F
@Supesun Seems elusive as a goal in itself. 🤔
wakanda4eva · 26-30, F
@Supesun YASS KWEEN PREACH 🙌 even tho I'm literally not doing that myself xD D: but YASS <3
Not in an exclusive way but it should be part of the big scheme. Even if we set ourselves loftier goals, after a while too much pressure will tire us out, so we need to take care of ourselves.
Also other people will use us to pursue their personal goals if we keep ignoring our own needs.
We should at least make sure we're not running against our own interests all the time.
ThoughtBubble · 51-55, M
@EarthlingWise Good answer.
Karmalives · 51-55, M
It is a by product of my actions
It's your life, you can sit and wait for happiness to come and find you or you can decide what will make you happy, in your life, learn how to get it, and then pursue it.
ThoughtBubble · 51-55, M
There is no point in pursuing it. But you can't avoid pursuing it. So there's no point in trying not to pursue it either. :-)
LyricalOne · F
@ThoughtBubble Glad we could clear that up. 😁
wetncthru · F
No, it should be taxed.
wetncthru · F
@ThoughtBubble No way!
ThoughtBubble · 51-55, M
@wetncthru OMG, Then I will have to pursue it once again.
wetncthru · F
@ThoughtBubble And each time, the hunt/chase/catch will be different.
Yes indeed for without persuing we are stranded 😉
LyricalOne · F
@SW-User Seems abstract, I see pursuing meaningful things in life which hopefully will elicit happiness as a byproduct.
If you don't pursue it, it wont find you.
ThoughtBubble · 51-55, M
@softspokenman if you pursue, you won't find it. Why do they call it pursuit of happiness ? It should be happiness of pursuit.
rottenrobi · 56-60, F
No, it's not happiness if it's pursued, it's a pipe dream.
Unlearn · 41-45, M
You might pursue rainbows in stead...
LyricalOne · F
@Unlearn Lol...... I think you’re getting my meaning.
sighmeupforthat · 46-50, M
how can one even do that with republicans still breathing out atmosphere?

sorry folks i got some nasty news today.

fuck republicans! they don't care, they laugh at people like my wife and myself.

those who support them need concentration camps.
kate21 · 26-30, F
With a vengeance!
antonioio · 70-79, M
Why not
Life is short😌
TacoCat · 22-25, M
LyricalOne · F
@TacoCat Should it be the goal or a byproduct? Seems elusive as a goal.
Sharky86 · 36-40, M
I'm on the pursuit of happiness and I know
Everything that's shine ain't always gonna be gold
I'll be fine once I get it, get it in, I'll be good....


Nah, I'm the last persone fit to talk about this. LOL
Fauxmyope2 · 26-30, F
CharlieZ · 70-79, M
Not happiness as a resulting emotion.
Whe should choose, do and pursue what causes happiness.
Seems to be the same, it´s not.
no it just leads to heartbreak, pain and suffering.
like an illegal immigrant
wetncthru · F
@SW-User You said it, not me.
If it is, it will never be found.
YouCanCallMeDan · 41-45, M
seek all joy in the Lord always
Zonuss · 41-45, M
To some degree. Happiness is a state of mind. Its about acceptance. Its about assurance. And it is about accountability. Think about that. ☺

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