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Miram · 31-35, F
They are better blocked and ignored. ❤
Theawkwardbear · 26-30, F
@Miram yeah that's pretty much my idea of it.

KandiGhostcat · 22-25, F Best Comment
That's when a bottom line is drawn to me. Trolling or joking on someone who has it hard is never okay.
Theawkwardbear · 26-30, F
@KandiGhostcat it is for me as well. I'm very empathetic and compassionate towards people. Especially those who feel depressed because I don't want people to feel the way I feel. Or if it's hard to talk about something personal because you just needed to get it out or have someone hear your thoughts, and someone sits there and pokes fun at your weaknesses and flaws. It's disgusting.
KandiGhostcat · 22-25, F
@Theawkwardbear Not just that but I remember in school we talked about that, when there's a line to draw on trolling and such. Like there was this one time a few years ago when this girl died (forget if it was suicide or something) and people kept making these memes and jokes of her about it, especially on her FB page. Everyone who was mourning was upset because they were doing this to a girl who couldn't defend herself.
Theawkwardbear · 26-30, F
@KandiGhostcat people should never kick other people down. Period.
But doubtful that will ever change.
But it's good to know there will still always be people who DO care.
Stupid people that make no sense 🤷🏼
Better ignore them. And if you're feeling down... Hope you feel better.
Theawkwardbear · 26-30, F
@SW-User thank you. And Working on it
hunkalove · 61-69, M
This is a bottom feeder anonymous website. Not a very serious place.
Theawkwardbear · 26-30, F
@SW-User you'd be surprised what evil you see in the world when you don't follow the sheep and you see the big picture. 😔
@SW-User yes and some people come with their stupid answers..... sigh.
Gladly others aren't like that. Others care... And say nice things.. from the heart.
But always always the good and bad.
@Theawkwardbear I try to keep an open mind and little surprises me.
I always feel those people lack empathy. Or they feel 'life sucks, I never care about stuff, stuff always disappoints" etc. And they want to just spread their misery.
Theawkwardbear · 26-30, F
@SW-User that's extremely true from some people I've personally known
CoffeeFirst · 56-60, F
They are just looking for attention by spreading shock value. it's sad if you think about it. But they will still get my Mutes and Blocks!
valhalla · M
They should have a category called serious like how they have embarrassing and funny.
@valhalla Suggest this in the "I have a suggestion for Similar Worlds" group.
valhalla · M
I should.
Lustful · 36-40, M
Because most people do not understand the real meaning of the phrase ... walking in someone else’s shoes ...
Gangstress · 41-45, F
Yeh I don't get that either.
FloorGenAdm · 51-55, M
jammernichtful · 56-60, F
because that is all their narrow little minds can achieve.

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