InfantryFlamingo · 26-30, M
Only a few ads for things like food influence me. Most of the time ads make me not want to buy a product because I find them annoying.
Carissimi · F
@InfantryFlamingo They are annoying. There are too many everywhere you go.
shuhak · M
No. I've learned to ignore most of them. Adblock helped for the internet and working in retail for 30 years helped for the rest.
Myzery · 41-45, F
Only food ads occasionally. Because, it looks tasty.
Yes they do. They're designed with the use of algorithms. 64,200 repetitions make a lie into a truth. Another reason why TV is the primary tool used to socially engineer the general population, as do ads.
BlaseR · F
Food ads always. Especially ones with chocolate. Or McDonald's.

nope. adblock plus dumping my cable fixed that. i never see/hear adverts.
goagainsttheflow · 31-35, F
They don't influence me because I know they consist of lies and photoshop. LIES, I TELL YOU! ALL LIEEEEES!
Carissimi · F
@goagainsttheflow Triple Chocolate Meltdown is real.
DonaldTrumpet · 70-79, M
I InfLuence U MERIcans
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jim44444 · 70-79, M
Never. Except for those Viagra commercials where the old goats always have a young hottie jumping them. That makes me want to spend $30 for a 50 cent pill. Snark!
FloorGenAdm · 51-55, M
They're just taking a stab in the dark to appease the share holders. 🔪