Not long, and you will find a new beautiful male friend, dear LadyGrace.You should not stay at home alone. Go out, meet people, visit the museum, check out art exhibitions, join a discussion group. I know what a beautiful soul you are. There's somebody waiting for you, patiently, and smiling. 🌷
@LadyGrace Do you live in a big city or in the country? Country is better usually, because people there are real, with a real heart, and real feelings.
@helenS no I live not in the country I live in a city but it's not that big it's just like perfect and there's beautiful parks and restaurants and just about anything you need. People are pretty friendly.
@kodiac Yes, I do. I'm very thankful for Him. He also gave us each other here, to be friends, and comfort and support each other. That's why he made Eve for Adam. It's not really the same as having someone physically here but that's not too diminish that Jesus is our best friend and comfort, as well. He even said it's not good for man to be alone. That goes for a woman, too.
Spoiled all my relationships, but the one thing they all forgot is that I can leave too. Without even a whimper just got up and left when they cheated on me. And life goes on, no tears from me as I gave it my all and with no regrets.