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jarvis91926-30, M
i had one harasser, and people told me to just use the block function.

Scary people? Lol, like what are they going to do, crawl through the monitor?
@Mirage That鈥檚 right! Only weenies think there are scary people here! Unsavory for sure but everyone knows how to use the block.
OnePatheticClown51-55, M
Yeah. Tell us...for research purposes only...馃獡馃ぁ
I don鈥檛 have to. I don鈥檛 give anyone that much importance to become scary or a stalker(which never happened). I ignore any mean messages. Don鈥檛 want to feed them by replying.
I smack myself in the head until it stops and it doesn't hurt anymomre

Then I quit SW and come back three hours later for more of the same...
My stalker/bully left her throne. Resilience kills 'em.馃槒
@ML2022 They can鈥檛 do anything with resilience! Right? Lol
@NoGamesTolerated Nope & I sure wasn't budging. She lost her friends, so her "voice" was therefore gone as well. I love irony.馃槒
Virgo7961-69, M
I haven't found anyone scary馃槀
Nor any stalkers,
@Virgo79 He hasn鈥檛 either! LOL
Hahahaha I鈥檒l tell you after while.
@NoGamesTolerated stay tuned
DestroyerOfIdeologies22-25, M
friend them
@DestroyerOfIdeologies 馃..that's crazy enough to work
JohnOinger41-45, M
I don't get stalked
i dont really associate with people online so theres no attachment there
The same way as with any site -- ignore, block or report.
Block and report 馃ぎ
Ignore them report them
Ignore them
iamonfire69641-45, F
Block them on every alternate account they make
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