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Malini · 31-35, F
@Sensual I'm Malaysian with Indian ancestry.

Mahjack · 31-35, M
roslvsyou. He wasn't rude, he was just horny. And that's the creepiest thing you can find about the person. He can keep talking nice when you know that he's just masturbating over your picture or what you say. Her choice but I wouldn't do that at all, lol.
SladetheMentor · 26-30, M
This place is full of them it's just like experience project and tobe honest I'm leaving sick of their shit
noorderlicht · 31-35
Thanx for letting me know who I can block here :D I hate creeps.. Even just the 'F' underneath our username is enough for a few who want naked photos. What they will get from me is a report, and after that the block button. ;) Please report this man, Malini. After that: block him ;)
Degbeme · 70-79, M
We used to have a saying on EP among our group. It went something like this. "EP has them all and if we don`t they are on their way" ;)
Lol. I've always wondered if there's a profitable future in selfie kinky commenting.
GlassDog · 46-50, M
@twistermind: Me too. I think PMs should remain private. But when they become a way for predatory behaviour (particular against the underage), I think the need to protect kids or the vulnerable has to come first.
twistermind · 51-55, F
@ Jack: Agree with you. Whoever who is horny, better buy a melon and do it with it.
Again, I prefer people being so clear. Because, there are people who can be very fake and make you lose your time and trust.
I had a talk with him before. And it was nice. Nice in a way that he didn't mention any pervy stuffs or what. Maybe you can just forgive him for being rude I know he has a good side as well.
GlassDog · 46-50, M
I think you've done the right thing by explaining their tactics and by naming them, especially if it helps someone else on the site deal with this!
No. He can see my profile pic and that's all! I think he wanted to see further down my body though
twistermind · 51-55, F
@Glassdog: I think people is here adult. I'm not a friend of putting people on the spotlight. It's like putting them a label.
I didn't like people here commenting what I say them in a pm. It's only my personal opinion.
twistermind · 51-55, F
I'm grateful when people is clear like that. You can see from the beginning where they are coming from.
Btw, a guy asking for your pic...It's not strange. This happen all the time.
I like his style ,he's too old to beat around the bush lol
SensualDominant · 31-35, M
Indian saree. Wow 🙂
romstomper1980 · 31-35, M
oh can i see your selfie :)
He wanted my picture too
Lisa ,did you show him ?
I'm sure he did Lisa

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