Elegy · 46-50
What time is that?
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Elegy · 46-50
@Rosie: lol not at all. You're in the UK?
Rosie · 26-30, F
@Halcyon: yeah, Cardiff to be exact
Elegy · 46-50
Welcome to SW.
Don't open PMs from people you don't know. I'd recommend that you just delete them.
Don't open PMs from people you don't know. I'd recommend that you just delete them.
Diyanne · F
Hi...Welcome to SW. This is your earliest ? Ohhh okayyy 😂
RevanUchiha · 26-30, M
Shouldn't you sleep then? ;)
btchstfu · F
Rosie go back to sleep
iMystery · M
Welcome Rosie, to the SWorld of crazies and zombies lol.