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womanoftheworld · 51-55, F
Respectfully I don't think standing up for my Lord and Savior is making a mountain out of a molehill. I am open minded in a lot of areas but attacks on God, never and as a person of faith I have an obligation to stand up for him and will continue to do so.

crazylady · 61-69, F
I was told this was an adult site, theres far more offensive things here than what i said. You are making a mountain out of a molehill to be nasty ,if its offensive to you then i apologise ma'am ,but in future it might be advisable to scroll on by my polls etc and when the block feature is here use it!!!
Showaddict · 70-79, M
"Womanoftheworld" - Come on, REALLY ? ? ?
"Attacks on God" If He is the Almighty and Supreme being that you claim, don't ya think he could defend himself? I realize the Smiting the non-believers is not in fashion these days but we don't need any MORE religious extremism!
The radical Muslims want to kill anyone that draws images of their prophet Mohamed.
Your verbal objection to someone using the 'Lords name in vain is one small step removed from that same line of thinking.
As the poster said - skip all her future posts and your delicate sensibilities won't be offended!
xTutu7x · F
For an escape like EP was.
womanoftheworld · 51-55, F
Thanks for the insult as you sit behind a keyboard. I have a life and I would suggest not taking the Lord's name in vein. Children get on this website and this is taking God's name in vein which is wrong of you and is offensive. Have a good day ma'am.
crazylady · 61-69, F
I never attacked god at all ,i too am a person of faith ,just to shut you up i shall remove the poll! i apologised ,i have said enough ,let this be the end of it ,we are not children !!
Jo5hEP · M
To kill time. Right now I should be sleeping. Later I should be working, but will most likely be here.
womanoftheworld · 51-55, F
Decent poll but could we please avoid using God's name in vain, please?!
crazylady · 61-69, F
Oh gawd looks like i upset sumone already !!! get a life!!!
To continue the friendships I had on EP.
Thereyouare · 56-60, M
I came here to meet you have you been

its me lol
hi i am john
DViper97 · 46-50, M
Fun escape!

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