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Lynette · 36-40, F
Not at all. I wonder that myself as well.

@Cosreal then its understandable why you and others curse or use vile language in the presence of others. Do you feel bad when you do speak like that? Anyone can change their speech pattern when it comes to cursing. A bad background can be overcame.
Not everyone sees it as disrespectful. If they're cursing a person out it definitely is disrespectful, but not just in a passing conversation. (to me anyway)
@Cosreal, I understand undesirable habits are hard to break....You are not alone. My parents didn't curse at me and my siblings or around us. So I grew up with my ears tingling whenever I heard or read someone's curse words. I automatically delete their comment(s) or walk away. But that's just me. Being a Christian also makes me want to avoid offending God with curse words as well.
Cosreal · 36-40
I was raised badly, ma'am.
Jay04Sch · 46-50, F
I suppose to some people this kind of behaviour is normal as oppose to others it's offensive. I can be quite expressive at times depends on the situation.
@SuperCute as long as Cosreal doesn't harass me he's alright with me. I haven't had a problem with @Cosreal and I suspect I won't either.
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Some people can't handle being respectful, yet those same people demand respect.
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Doran10 · 80-89, M
You can insult in good Engish even more effectively than using curse words.
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Well, you just referred to Cosreal as a he. That should get you several weeks of tormenting through various fake accounts.
Cosreal has a flagged account for harassing others.
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