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fairone · F
@Pherick: The US takes a VERY strong stance against Americans going to North Korea.... -sigh* sometimes we really need to listen to our leaders..
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questionWeaver Best Comment
Fair ... may the finest angels escort Otto to heaven.

Am glad we ordered him released.

His release could have been procured 17 months ago.

He was imprisoned, confined, tortured and killed for only one reason ... he was American.

For 240+ years, countries have tried to diminish America, by many means.

North Korea, and their evil ideology, will experience how wrong they are.
Thank you for Best Answer Fair!
GeistInTheMachine · 31-35, M
People need to learn to stop visiting that place. There's a reason why so many people die trying to get OUT of there.

If you were lucky enough not to be born there, stay away.
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Really awful -- North Korea is pure evil.
Tminus6453 · M
I guess thats why North Korea sent him home, they didnt want him dying on their watch... kid never should of tried stealing that sign, he never should of been in NK in the first place.
@Tminus6453: Korea did not send him anywhere.

We demanded him released ... and said a plane was coming.
Socialclutz · 36-40, M
@Tminus6453: to get him back took bigger balls than obama ever had
Pherick · 41-45, M
Alsmost sounds like Dennis Rodman got him released, which might be the weirdest thing I have ever typed.

His release coincided with the return of former NBA star Dennis Rodman, who is visiting North Korea this week on a trip the U.S. says is not a state-sponsored visit. Rodman has met North Korean leader Kim Jong Un several times before. This will be Rodman’s fourth visit to the nation to meet with Kim, a basketball enthusiast.

I feel for his parents, but WHY do Americans go to this country??? Its insane! To make it worse, he went to NK and then stole a propaganda poster! How could he think that was a good idea???
fun4us2b · M
It is so terrible, how can they do that to a young person? Don't people know that young people do foolish things? A complete disregard for humanity. Sickening really.
He was seriously wronged, but I don't get the 'proud to be American' part. Why be proud of vandalizing the property of other nations? Is this an American thing? Or maybe you mean you're glad you don't live there. This makes more sense.
@Sicarium: It wasn't stupid. You're stupid for thinking it was stupid. Americans are often really big assholes in their disrespect for and invasion of other nations. That's worth considering.
Sicarium · 46-50, M
@Peekaboo: Are you twelve?

You're completely willing to accept the word of a government that's known for propaganda to give you an excuse to bash the US. Like I said, stupid.

This is the 2nd time I've seen you reply to a post about Weimbeir. The first wasn't any better. So I stand by the first reply, smh. Whine all you want.
@Sicarium: Confirmed: Sicarium is a stupid, mouthy asshole so full of his own shit that he swells with pride.
FreeSpirit1 · 51-55, F
North Korea is "1984" in real life only a thousand times worse.
He served as an example to Trump and all Americans.
mykonos · 22-25, T
I feel so much anger about this situation.
Sueisright · 31-35, F
When you travel you adhere to the laws of the country your in,if you can't do that don't go,it's not like the whole world dosent know the bad side and risks of travelling to North Korea
Socialclutz · 36-40, M
Thanks ally oba for apologizing to the world when you could've saved the world from Koreas bill shit
Socialclutz · 36-40, M
Look everybody a retarded nigger tranny slave do you think IT's even typing words? No it has to be using dictation like a good little tranny.
Pherick · 41-45, M
@crabbyhermit: Who are you even talking to? Was that meant for your mom and you accidentally sent it to us?
GeistInTheMachine · 31-35, M
@crabbyhermit: Breakthrough! It has learned projection! Though maybe I'm reading too much into it. None of what you say makes an iota of sense. I'm convinced you must be a chat bot. A rudimentary one, at that.

What say you, shitty chat bot?
It's very tragic. Will this hopefully keep other Americans from traveling over there ?
@Svarog: What ?
fairone · F
@bijouxbroussard: I certainly hope so!
GeistInTheMachine · 31-35, M
@bijouxbroussard: Can't fix stupid. The worst part is that tourism helps to prop up the DPRK regime. People that visit are contributing to their twisted system. It's stupid and selfish.
Very tragic, for him and his family. That's all I can say really.
Wiseacre · F
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fairone · F
@Svarog: They didn't risk their lives.. It was a backroom agreement between heads of state.. No soldiers were ever put at risk!
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sighmeupforthat · 46-50, M
just now you are? wait, hold it, you do know the history right?

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