RubyMabel · F
Star Butterfly, cause she makes me smile and i be cheerful and like to have fun like her. c:
As I get older, seems my respect for my father has grown as well.
Monroe · 41-45, F
Enrique Iglesias. He said he wanted to be my hero.
My grandmother, she was the best lady that ever lived in my eyes.

I don't have a hero
Curiousguy833 · 31-35, M
@ShoeLace: aww really? I don't believe that! Is there no one ( celebrity or normal) that you kinda look up too?

@Curiousguy833: not that I can think of 🤔
Curiousguy833 · 31-35, M
Well that's not nice to hear... or maybe your the person some people look up too? 😮... I wonder do heroes themselves have people they look up too?? 🤔😂😉
Trevo · 26-30, M
I'm the hero
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Pineapple · 100+, F
Once upon a time my dog let me know my sausages were on fire... that's all I got