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LOL ! I think I've already blocked most of the Fascists, but the short answer is---"not if they don't agree with you". 馃榿
Burnley12341-45, M
@JustAva: You are not exactly proving White rabbit wrong here. 馃槀
Burnley12341-45, M
@JustAva: We are talking about someone else anyway ffs.
@JustAva: Huh ? Ava Gardner and Lena Horne were friends in rl. Whatever your deal is, please leave me out of it. 馃槼

She believes in HER freedom of speech; anyone who has opinions different to hers are "unworthy" of such a privilege.
NigelDoes56-60, M
Just let it go mate. She will unblock you, and just think about how hot the make up sex might be?馃憡
Burnley12341-45, M
@NigelDoes: I just wanted you to know that you can't freak me out. I'm gonna delete that though. 馃槝
NigelDoes56-60, M
That honestly offended you? lol Really? Sorry man, I didn't realize you had such delicate sensibilities. 馃槈 I'm jump the gun and delete that terribly offensive post myself. :-) Cheers. You beat me to it. Dammit.馃槀
Burnley12341-45, M
@NigelDoes: no offense taken lol
Not at all. I just gladly blocked her, since her posts annoy me.
Fascists, and Bitches,and Englishmen...Oh, My!!
You too have joined those who throw the fascist/racist/far-right words at anyone who speaks against the norm? 馃槥
Burnley12341-45, M
She posted things defending Britain First, who are indeed a far right fascist group. I don't straw man.
I respect those who argue not to change opinion of others, but to show their's.. When it comes to I am right and you are wrong, then insults are unavoidable, and the argument loses its purpose..

I respect you and Burnley, because both of you know how to discuss and argue.

@Burnley123: I have seen their site. Nationalists yes, fascists not.

I guess we need an accurate definition of what fascism truly is.
hi burnley!
Burnley12341-45, M
This isn't about you. 馃槀

Oh the drama.
@Burnley123: irrational bitch mode..
@Burnley123: but I was just saying hi
Burnley12341-45, M

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