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Lovelove1234 · 31-35, F

CassandraFemale17 · 26-30, F Best Comment
I'm a student. I'm not getting dressed up and dolled up to chat with someone, so if I'm in a pigtail, sweats, or pajamas, with no makeup....there has to be some real history before I'm turning on a cam. Lol
CassandraFemale17 · 26-30, F
Thank you for that. :)
if i know them pretty well, yeah.
Voice chat is okay. Vid chat.. meh.
CassandraFemale17 · 26-30, F
Just stick to people you actually know in your real life, and you'll be fine. I Skype with family back home, and with friends studying in other places. But I KNOW them. I don't have any doubts they might not be who I hope they are
I like it for when I have family out of the country but other than that I never use it.
Sometimes and only when the person isn't expecting anything sexual.
I have with someone here.. who I knew on ep as well.. but honestly it's not really my thing.
argav83 · 36-40, M
I've done it a lot of times. Sometimes it does get weird.
TestingLimitations · 31-35, M
Not really. With some it's nice.
HaHLoBravado · 36-40, M
I'm very outgoing, I don't mind it.
never done that.

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