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SprinklesCS · 36-40, F
I find that many don't care much about animals either. They just want to seem important.

cherokeepatti · 61-69, F
I had a vegan doctor stay here for a couple weeks, he told he had a cat and would feed that cat "table scraps" which meant no meat and then let it roam outside all day when he was at work, of course the cat was hunting it's own meat. If animals can eat meats then why is wrong for humans to?
Crazy cat owners
cherokeepatti · 61-69, F
@Girlwithsilverheart: you mean Vegan Cat Owner who fed his cat only his own table scraps...I don't understand that mentality.
@cherokeepatti: he can be a vegan. But cats can't. I have heard people claiming to have a 'vegetarian' dog. But I don't think it's true
The ones that annoy me are the ones who treat them like people. I'm all for the humane treatment of animals, but let's get one thing straight, they're animals.
ReaperofTime · 46-50, M
@Girlwithsilverheart: Dont pull the string lol
I remember going to my friends house one time and his younger sister had recently started her periods so she didn't dispose of the tampon properly and I was chilling with my friend and his grandpa in the living room when their dog came out of the bathroom with a bloody tampon in his mouth and his grandpa got so mad. He just yelled "goddammit!" And tried to take the tampon away from the dog. It was hilarious.
@Conscience: lol. My autistic brother is scared of dogs so we never let the dog inside the house. We have a large backyard and a field, so my dog had a great time running around the house. One day my dog got inside the house and knocked down the dustbin where I had disposed the tampon. She took the tampon and ran away.
sighmeupforthat · 46-50, M
and most don't care about the animals either.
So true cos we had this stray dog problem in my state. These dogs attacked old people and children and killed them. Nobody, not even government cared about it until the people started to hunt down the dogs. That's animals lovers came up and start to protest. They put up horrible news about the state. We sincerely asked them to take the dogs away to a shelter if they don't like it to be killed. But none of them claimed a single dog. Animal lovers are phonies
ReaperofTime · 46-50, M
ONLY lives that DONT matter to me : Thug Lives
NorthernRoses · 26-30, F
Those are also often the kind of people who know nothing of animals and animal care. Like those idiots who try to take down zoos because it's "cruel" to keep animals in "prisons".

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