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thelez69 · 26-30, M
I'll shave then...
thelez69 · 26-30, M
Got a leash for me? Lol
@thelez69: i love my beard, believe me even if i was gay i won't fuck a fucktard like you
xRockGlossPrincessx · 26-30, F
@thelez69: Lmao okay?

KaysHealingPath · 36-40, F
I've never had a guy with a beard lol
My husband can barely grow a few hairs on his chin lol
xRockGlossPrincessx · 26-30, F
Some guys are like that of course like all things hair is genetic. :)
StefanoHopkins · 51-55, M
Well, the hair is still there. It's just shaved. So stubble doesn't bother you ?
I have a beard, and have had for most of my life, but I shave under it, on my neck, below my lip. I use hot hot water, shaving cream, a sharp razor, but there is still a bit of sandpaper, and a day later, well......
So, you don't mind putting up with that imperfection ?
xRockGlossPrincessx · 26-30, F
No beards period.
StefanoHopkins · 51-55, M
I could care less.....
Aidan · 26-30
I love beards but never dated a guy with one
xRockGlossPrincessx · 26-30, F
I hate beards and dated a guy with a bit. xD
Beard => germs...
Yes, that too.
xRockGlossPrincessx · 26-30, F
Beard=Germy and ugly! ANNNND I keep thinking semen or some crap gonna get trapped in it!
@xRockGlossPrincessx: keep thinking and you'll puke. LOL
I hate facial hair on a man
xRockGlossPrincessx · 26-30, F
Smh. So ugly.
LovelyGorilla · 22-25, F
honestly i think guys with facial hair tend to look better than guys without...there are some cases where i like them without but that's just me tho
xRockGlossPrincessx · 26-30, F
Interesting. You don't think it's uncomfortable kissing a guy with a beard?
LovelyGorilla · 22-25, F
oh I've never gone out with a guy irl . and my ex online didn't have facial hair 🤔
xRockGlossPrincessx · 26-30, F
@LovelyGorilla: Oh wow i see. :)
JupiterDreams · 31-35
I prefer clean-shaven. :)
I also prefer women without facial hair.😂😂
@Tristemuneca: lol😁
xRockGlossPrincessx · 26-30, F
@Tristemuneca: Oh snap! I had no ideas growing beards is a part of menopause! Wow! Secrets out! xD
@xRockGlossPrincessx: It doesn't happen to all women. Just putting that out there as one who is at least age appropriate to knowing the "secrets". 😏
Beards and mustaches are kind of awful to kiss, they stab your face, same with pussy hairs, pussy hairs also try to choke you to death.
xRockGlossPrincessx · 26-30, F
I agree with the beard stuff and as for pussy i'm a virgin soooo idk lol
Depends, to be honest. I like the no facial hair look, because I like being able to really see his face. But I also like a neat beard and/or mustache. The look that impresses me least is the "unshaven" look: to me it looks like he needed a shave and forgot, rather unkempt.
xRockGlossPrincessx · 26-30, F
Wow what a great way to look at it! :)
curiosi · 61-69, F
Don't like beards at all. Wouldn't want to kiss you with a beard and so..............
xRockGlossPrincessx · 26-30, F
I absolutely agree! Would not want to kiss some guy with a beard. Not even a bit of facial hair is attractive to me but i did date a guy with a bit. I understand facial hair makes dudes feel so manly but a lot of women do find that unattractive! I guess it's like girls with their make up for them. Guys don't understand that either!
NigelDoes · 56-60, M
I feel the same about my men.
xRockGlossPrincessx · 26-30, F
Forgive me for asking but are you homosexual?
NigelDoes · 56-60, M
No, but the day is still quite young.
xRockGlossPrincessx · 26-30, F
@NigelDoes: Oh. :)
I like a clean shaven man! :)
xRockGlossPrincessx · 26-30, F
^5! Same here! :)
@xRockGlossPrincessx: 👌
meJess · F
If he's supposed to be Santa
xRockGlossPrincessx · 26-30, F
Lmao what would Santa be without his famous beard?

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