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lonelydreamer31-35, M
My problem is I never really had plan. If I had one, my life would be a lot better.

No, but I鈥檓 glad they didn鈥檛. Where I ended up is much better. It was fate.
@DecafD That's excellent
@SW-User thank you
Never did and never will. Better luck next time.
SteelHands61-69, M
There's too much going on in my life to think that plans can be set without allowing for changes in completion times, making trade offs, and even resortping to a secondary plan.

Improvise. Adapt. Muddle through things. Figure out where the better happenstances were after the fact and feel grateful that the sun also rises.

That's the only plan I've ever known.
Noo... But it'll change eventually
TheFragile46-50, M
I often wonder to myself what my life would be like if I had stayed in London when I was 24.
No. It鈥檚 a good thing because my plans would have made me miserable.
No. But there's still time.
@PrivateHell Never too late, go get yours mate馃憤馃徔
DDonde31-35, M
No, but in retrospect they weren't plans.
Nope, but most of the best things in my life were unplanned. Anyway, I'm mostly a fly-by-the-seat-of-my-pants person. 馃槓
I have a new 1 and it's in it's beginning stage but...馃槉 I've so much excitement and will work hard it is a success!
BananaBrown41-45, F
I never made any plans. By the seat of my pants, here I am.
assemblingaknob26-30, F
Some of them. Others not so much.
And the bigger ones got delayed.
EmoRapid26-30, M
So far but still missing goals
Not exactly as I had once thought, but I still have a lot to be thankful for. Everything happens for a reason.
SkeetSkeet100+, F
Hahaha no.
REMsleep41-45, F
Helo no

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