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Blessedsoul81 · 41-45, C
What pisses me off EVEN MORE is these white Atheist Left Liberals who 'claim' to be athiest and kiss the ass of relisions that are not part of their country and heritage yet shame and mock Christianity.
Kimmerrose · 31-35, F
Blessedsoul81 · 41-45, C
@Kimmerrose: I tell it as I see it.
GoldenWorm · 51-55, M
"white Atheist Left Liberal" <--so some tiny fraction of people are the real problem?

Look I don't give a shit what you practice. As long as your religion doesn't take over government policy and dictate what people can and can't do.
Kimmerrose · 31-35, F
Athiests tend to as well. Not all but many. Yes they do as well but why can people not see to peacefully co exist
GoldenWorm · 51-55, M
@Kimmerrose: Why are you going out of your way to slander atheists? We're a tiny percent of the population and pretty much all of the secular power in the US is controlled by christian office holders. If christians were in the minority or getting it rough, that would be one thing. Instead, yall are the giant gorilla and we're like a mouse. You're saying the mice need to be better and giving the gorilla a pass.
Kimmerrose · 31-35, F
We shouldn't bother you and you shouldn't bother us. It's really that simple. I'm not saying give and take situation but coexist without badgering eachother. It's not all athiests that bother me only the ones who threaten my right and are offended by is. You think we are happy that you guys choose to not believe? No we really aren't thrilled. But we need to learn on both sides to not get offended cause we don't agree. That is the beauty of the human race, we have free will we can choose to be up in arms, and hateful, or choose to be peaceful to eachother. It really should not be a struggle for who has more.
ManicMicah · 22-25, M
I don't believe in God or any higher power, but I would never want to stop people from practicing their religion. That's their right. I just don't think it should take over the government. Religion should have nothing to do with laws. That's all. Because everybody's different and not everyone's going to agree with your policy.
ManicMicah · 22-25, M
@Kimmerrose: Exactly! That's what I'm talking about. You can pray for your country. You can have churches, you can have all of that. But the second religion starts influencing the laws that are now meant to be religious, then I'll be upset
ReaperofTime · 46-50, M
@Kimmerrose: And so do We. Freedom cuts BOTH ways.
Kimmerrose · 31-35, F
i agree it shouldn't affect laws
ReaperofTime · 46-50, M
Im a Native American Pagan. Truthfully I dont care what you want to worship. But I am sick of yur kind screaming hallelujah. Bring fire and brimstone to politics. Keep that shit in yur churches and homes. Thank you
Kimmerrose · 31-35, F
I was raped. I chose to kept the baby I lost it. If you get pregnant you keep that life safe. It's a human responsibility. Put the child up for adoption of need be. Let me ask you this.... Does that baby know that it's father was a rapist? No..... Does that child deserve a chance to come into this world hell yes. If you get raped and are responsible enough there is this thing called plan B . That is fine. But don't take a little life away. They do feel pain it's been scientifically proven. It's not fair to the baby
ReaperofTime · 46-50, M
@Kimmerrose: that was your CHOICE. But how dare you FORCE your choices on others. You want to talk morals. Fine. Look at what your priests did to my people. Forcing them to cut their hair. Follow your crooked faith. And forsake their heritage in the name of your god. Dont start
Kimmerrose · 31-35, F
He's better than repeating history. And I've said this for what feels like the thousandth time today. He can't do crap if congress doesn't approve. I will cause that is a baby. It is murder and I will always feel that it is. Expecially when some people don't even have that option and would gladly take that child before they even touch foster care.
Allthingscurious · 46-50, M
I never get mad at someone for what they believe in, I get mad when they try and impose that belief on someone else in any way.
It's just that i got to a point where it annoys me to death.. but you have the right to believe in whatever you want.
GoldenWorm · 51-55, M
I suspect you don't know that you're being condescending. I'm annoyed how humans who are christians behave politically. That doesn't mean I hate or fear your imaginary friend. Your favourite god looks about as real as Thor, Vishnu or Darth Vader.
Kimmerrose · 31-35, F
I'm not talking at you. I'm simply saying if you don't want to believe it then don't belive it. But let us worship freely. That is the basis of this country is freedom. There is absolutely no reason to be hateful.
GoldenWorm · 51-55, M
Ok , i find you hateful

(isn't it a little mean to call names like that or slap on labels that aren't true?)
Kimmerrose · 31-35, F
I'm not saying you as an individual. Now the school board that took my child's bible away that she was peacefully reading in a "bring a book" time for fear of offending someone. Now that was hateful. He got it back after I called and said that it was her right and she was to have her book returned. She wasn't sharing the information, she wasn't causing any harm. But to make a little girl cry, yes I call that hateful
Very well said!

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