MrsFrizzleGaveMeLSD · 26-30, M
The use of tools in a way that furthers our own evolution and domination of the planet.
The ability to have a progrssive dialogue, which lacks between the divorced couples...
Miram · 31-35, F
We developed more sophisticated ways of destruction and a few for creation.
We draw these distinctions thanks to our limited but too praised brains.
They serve nature and live in accordance to it, we serve greed and gather in great concentrations in specific zones until there is absolutely nothing to feed on.
We rationalize all our actions. They just are.
I guess the difference is very much that between doing something wrong and doing something evil.
We draw these distinctions thanks to our limited but too praised brains.
They serve nature and live in accordance to it, we serve greed and gather in great concentrations in specific zones until there is absolutely nothing to feed on.
We rationalize all our actions. They just are.
I guess the difference is very much that between doing something wrong and doing something evil.
Lostpoet · M
JavaJoe · 51-55, M
Intellect and reason.
DeWayfarer · 61-69, M
Nope, many animals will bannish other animals for a variety of reasons. Rogue elephants are just one of many.
DudeistPriest · M
Frivorce (frivolous divorce).
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Spectre128 · 51-55, M
bijouxbroussard · F
Marriage too, for that matter.

Tasmanian devils and black widows might be counterexamples 👀