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GailCob · F
If it's not vital to a qualification or your career, then stop studying it.

If it is then that is the motivation in itself. A miserable motivation, I admit, but there is no miracle cure to study boredom. Head down, bum up, as we say, and keep in mind the old axion "This too shall pass". As i hope you do!

Picture yourself working for minimum wages the rest of your life. Everything will be a struggle, if you don't study.
maybesomeday · 26-30, F
@SW-User True. That's why I started to study, because I hate my job. But I didn't have many options of things to study so I picked a topic that seemed the most simple, but it's incredibly boring so I struggle finding the motivation.
@maybesomeday I'm sorry. I hope it gets better for you.
Carissimi · F
I felt this way tonight when studying my language lesson. I almost quit. I carried on with it for two reasons. I imagined being in that country – and I hope to be – having some knowledge of the language, and how helpful it will be contrasted with how I felt when I was there, and couldn’t communicate. The second reason was timing. I set a small period of time to study, and that helped knowing I could stop, and put it away (until tomorrow), once that time was reached. So in effect, my motivation was the potential benefit of my study, and time.
Break it down into small parts and the task doesn't seem so bad.
ButterRobot · 51-55, M
Think of the end game. You’re not studying for the sake of studying.
JavaJoe · 51-55, M
If it’s a required class that you absolutely can’t drop.... then think about the bigger program picture - and that this too shall end.
Make a small goal.

If it’s reading... look at the summary of one chapter then read enough to be able to understand the summary.
Keep your eyes on the prize.
@quitwhendone haha sometimes they're prize less
@SW-User There is always a prize awaiting down the line.
Study with your classmate that like the subject, lol
Meditation helps. Also remember the reason why you opted it.
TexChik · F
Discipline! You’ve been challenged !
It is called "growing up".
maybesomeday · 26-30, F
@Anonymartyr Sorry, you don't know who I am or my level of maturity so take your opinion elsewhere. It's twice now you've commented on my posts with an absolutely closed, old-fashioned mindset. BYE.
@maybesomeday Yep, immature.
maybesomeday · 26-30, F
@Anonymartyr 👍👍
Always remind yourself as to why you're studying what you're studying..
When you find a reason, you find a purpose. ☺️
xixgun · M
Think of it as broccoli. You can't have cake till the broccoli is gone from your plate.
Sublearner · 31-35, F
It's good for you to keep learning you ever know how your story can encourage someone.

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