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XenonRush · M
Do you like snakes?

splendid · 41-45, M
😮 I hope that's the right emoji for wonder and awe because that's how I've felt everytime I've visited a tropical rainforest.
splendid · 41-45, M
@XenonRush I've been very fortunate to explore rainforests in Belize, Costa Rica, and Venezuela.
XenonRush · M
That’s amazing! Which country had the coolest and most awesome one?
Do you enjoy travel? Very random question but if you could learn/study a foreign language which language would you choose and why?

splendid · 41-45, M
@XenonRush Yes, I love to travel, and my favorite country is Belize. I love the land, people, and their cultures. Wonderful, wonderful people.

I've never been to Asia, and would like to visit Thailand. It would be fun to learn to speak Thai, but I bet it's difficult. I know nothing about it.

How about you? Where would you like to visit? Which language would you like to learn?
Effloresce · 26-30, F
XenonRush · M
Very obvious choice lol
@XenonRush All those animals. Has to be big shit, in the rainforest.
@XenonRush Just saying.
XenonRush · M
Really good point, actually! @DarkHeaven
Nutshell29 · 26-30, F
Nutshell29 · 26-30, F
I would and I would choose all of them document my experience in all of them and at the end figure out which I like best @XenonRush
XenonRush · M
What is the coolest place you’ve travelled to? If you could learn/study a foreign language, which would you study and why?

Nutshell29 · 26-30, F
Italy love the architecture and history behind how those buildings were made i would love to learn Chinese and visit the Great Wall and the coolest place I traveled to was Florida I went to the holacost museum they have there that was the beautiful yet saddening museum I've ever been to @XenonRush
XenonRush · M
Great choice! lol
XenonRush · M
Popular choice, I’m sure!

XenonRush · M
Good one!!!

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