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Doctors are notorious for over prescribing, not listening to your REAL symptoms, and declaring you have this disorder or condition. They've given toddlers Ritalin. I think in those cases, parents don't want to deal with a very active child. Has anyone ever felt misdiagnosed? I have been and now I'm stuck with misinformed medical information. A nurse thoughthe I was delusional about being a published author. If she had googled my name, she would have seen i was telling the truth. Doctors get kickbacks on all their prescriptions and diagnosis. Some people may truly need help. But some are fucked by stupid doctors.
@Fernie: exactly. And once something is in your chart, it remains and then other doctors only see that and dismiss everything you say. It's so wrong.
SolitaryFriend · 41-45, M
Well said PumpkinSpice. There's far too much negligence in the industry and the lack of proper testing doesn't really help people get the proper support that they really need at times. There's more time spent on a quick fix than there is on allowing people to grow and overcome their problems by giving them the proper tools to do so.
@SolitaryFriend: yes. We are a society that has little tolerance and wants to quickly assume and label. I've learned how I can help myself and no drugs are involved.

Picklebobble · 56-60, M
As a social worker of 20+ years.
I'd LIKE to think it's down to better recognition of problems.
But that's not the truth of it.
Sadly I think it's being driven by the drug industry.
Drug company's try and find treatments for all sorts of problems.
When it comes to testing, those on the drug programmes have to report any and all effects these drugs have.
So. For example. Suppose a drug company comes up with a treatment that, they say is for better blood flow to the heart for patients with severe heart disease.
A group of people with heart disease is asked to try it for a period. And report any and all side effects.
The trial may last two or three months. The results collated. Then they look at the side effects. And compare those with the drugs primary task.
If users report.....having extra energy or not feeling so ill. Then maybe the drug company can class that drug as a treatment for heart disease.
BUT. If there are obvious side effects (presumably un harmful) then the company might use it for another purpose!
This is how Pfizer created Viagra !!!!
So although chemists and doctors may work with one aim in mind. It's quite possible the drug created may end up treating something totally different!
With regard to mental health problems. I suspect the thinking is much the same.
Fernie · F
100 "likes" Picklebobble
SolitaryFriend · 41-45, M
The Psychiatric community has a tendency to keep finding ways to include new disorders because it's in their nature to make a pathology out of any kind of troublesome behaviour. You could also say it's better for their business to do that, because they continue to make ridiculous amounts of money for the least amount of medical work and it supports the corruption that goes on in big pharma.
SoulAsylum · 31-35, M
Never thought of it that way.
Fernie · F
I don't think so. Every mood and behavior is now labeled as some disorder or syndrome..THAT is mental
cherokeepatti · 61-69, F
Seems like they are increasing, I have to wonder about modern day practices like adding fluoride to tap water (blocks the absorption of lithium), other chemicals in foods such as excitotoxins (Aspartamine and MSG) and the endless wars that are playing a role in this.
I think its pretty much the same. Its just back then they were either shunned by their family left to wander or locked away in an asylum.
Fernie · F
No. I can tell you after working in Human Services for decades. With people who had every type of mental, emotional and physical's way out of hand. It's all about generating money for the pill pushers
@Fernie: I disagree with grand "powers that be" conspiracy when it comes to diagnosing those with mental illnesses (mostly). My point has more to do with the stigma attached to mental illness and how society lacked the care to fully diagnose and treat these individuals. Many were sent to the streets, prisons, or kept in hiding as the family secret. If they were diagnosed, they were sent to "hospitals" called asylums where they were tortured and experimented on. Never to be seen again. As times passed, the field became more treatment and healing oriented hence helping to reduce the stigma surrounding MI. It's not getting out of hand. Its just more people are coming forward and speaking up about their experiences.
Lizabee · F
People have always had disorders, now we just get to answer their questions online 😉
SoulAsylum · 31-35, M
Jay04Sch · 46-50, F
People are acknowledging and being educated on mental disorders. There's more labels being placed on different mental disorders.
Fernie · F
yes, to feed the drug companies...not because they are actual disorders
Jay04Sch · 46-50, F
@Fernie: I don't know. Meds is necessary treatment off mental disorders.
Fernie · F
@Jay04Sch: Not always Jay. It's common knowledge now that people are way overmedicated. It's all over the news. Prescription drugs are killing people..people who do not need them in the first place
I believe we have always had these conditions. We are learning more and people are opening up more, so things are not as secret as they used to be.
Crew267 · 56-60, F
Most people will say their kidding
After the vicious that's a sign of bipolar
MartinTheFirst · 26-30, M
There's more of it now than ever before is pretty safe to say. The way everything has to be so effective and right on the first try nowadays gets to peoples heads. This stressful life-standard is implemented on kids of a young age, just so they will fit into the modern world's selfish ideal better.

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