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I wish 馃槀

First you need go find an old Delorean
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Travel to another planet? 馃ズ
@mindstruggle no, a different one.
@Peaceful oh. Wait? 馃槯
@mindstruggle no, it's gonna be great 馃槄
Stop the clock ?
Guess I will do that 馃槀@SW-User
MaliaAgain36-40, F
Be 5 hours late
@MaliaAgain 馃憦馃徏
english56-60, M
awwww kids dont you luvem 馃槈
english56-60, M
@mindstruggle whatsup munchkin, so very nice to meet you ,your a tinker xx
@english hey! Nice to see you too! :)
english56-60, M
@mindstruggle cheers little one, your a Diamond 馃檭
GBPackersFan41-45, M
Well you might want to start by logging off of SW and lay your head on your pillows.
@GBPackersFan I just logged in, but okay. :/
Space-time warp,
Can you orbit around the Sun?
@Pfuzylogic I can鈥檛 even swim.
The really cool thing is that you don鈥檛 have to swim, just go faster than the speed of light 馃槍
Yeah Thats a good question
@SW-User 馃槶
@SW-User oh man!
Redstar36-40, M
Sleep for an hour, or... at least no more than 2. Anymore than that and you'll risk just feeling worse and wishing you didn't go to sleep at all.
5thApprentice31-35, M
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@SethGreene531 Good one!

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