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UnholyUnion · 31-35, M
Some do it because they can't tell the people in their life and doing anonymously helps them in and of itself

A little bit of both, actually. A couple of months ago I was dealing with a bout of depression... I used to write posts about how I felt and how I had no hope. The comments I got really helped. Some offered words of encouragement. I think one of the things someone told me to do was to start journaling, which I did and it really helped.

And I think one of the most unintended effect was that sharing my pain helped someone else's with theirs. That was wonderful.
Pretzel · 61-69, M
oh heck no. I just vent like an old volcano. I vent here or blow up in real life.
That was the great thing about EP. Many times I would rant and the "I live in a sexless marriage crowd" would be supportive. Some would not be so supportive but give good advice. Some of it would totally change my thought process.

It was like therapy. I would learn something, try it and report the results.

It didn't work or help. But it was great to have a 2nd, 3rd, or hundredth opinion.
Originalme · 26-30, F
I don't usually post stories about my problems because I think that's my burden to bear but if I do then the reason for that would be that I feel helpless. I've probably reached the point where I realize I can't fight by myself anymore and I seek other people's help. I haven't posted anything of that sort so far but if life gets any harder I just might do it.
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I am sometimes looking for insight from others, sometimes it's to just get it off my chest, and sometimes I am hoping that others can relate and I am not a freak.
ranting doesn't mean we all need help plus sometime we are the only ones who can help ourselves
TheLoveAge · 36-40, F
Unholy- True.
I'm just getting it out of my system. Sometimes, I just need to rant more than I need advice. I'll figure things out on my own eventually, but talking about a problem helps speed that along.
This will sound cocky but I know, only I can help myself.
I vent and hope nobody reads it.
I'll get over myself soon enough
bamaboylick · 61-69, M
I have no one in real life to vent to so it's nice that I can vent on here. And sometimes I get answers and advice that helps a lot
SimplyTracie · 26-30, F
I don't rant here. I have a sinking feeling people will want to say, dilligaf. Hahahah

Seriously, what's to rant about? 😋
twistermind · 51-55, F
Yes, I do. Each person has something to offer and teach and I find it pretty helpful.
Ditto @maltese
But yes ppl have helped me on here
A girl asked a question on here, and finished with the line 'answers yes, honesty no'. So she is definitely one of many people who just seem to want to let off steam, and aren't looking for help or advice

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