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whoowho · 41-45, F
Yeah. We are nesters That's what we do ☺

TexChik · F
Absolutely! After we married , I moved into his house and within a few weeks ASKED if he would mind my making some changes . He of course told me to knock myself out ... and he said the house finally felt like a home 😁
Fluffybull · F
👏☺ @TexChik
Repete · 61-69, M
If you bring home a young lady
To stay with you where do you think she is going to store her things on the porch then everyone will see her hehe unmentionables .do you want her only to use the bed and kitchen. Nope it's all my friend if she's the one of your dreams move over and enjoy your new life the good things( hopefully many) and the bad or hard times ( hopefully few) but do it together. Good luck. You may need it lol
NiftyWhite · 46-50, F
when i moved in to my hubby's home i did - i painted cause it hadn't everrrrrrr been painted in the decade since it was built and i have at previous bfs places because it looked like a hole in the wall.
No. Not all of us. My husband definitely has his man cave. :)
@Repete my king is my better half. I adore him, and he knows it. 😍
Repete · 61-69, M
@Repete fanks
dumpstermeow · 41-45, F
Most likely. I couldn't be bothered with decorating though. I need to find a dude to move in and take care of that for me.
she needs something to keep herself busy and it's a good thing cuz I believe you don't like jail?
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Sarabee · 41-45
Me I just have one bag that it
Repete · 61-69, M
But you would be surprised how much comes in ONE bag lol@Sarabee
yes mostly sorry just one of those hard acts of life.
Sepia · 36-40, F
A good sign..she's being comfortable with you..
Yup... she's marking her new territory 😛

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