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kurokitsune · 31-35, M
That sounds like the end of the has been that way in certain places and even worse in different times this world has lived..people have fallen and changed and forgotten and not known these times and people and nothing truly ever bad ever goes away yet it never seems to last people don't always let things that are wrong last forever but at the same time do not seem to have the power in any life time to truly change what is wrong for good once and for all...not enough people capable, willing or alive enough to do so.

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SteelHands · 61-69, M
@dunpender theory.

They created a superclass from among females and minorities by taking opportunities away from the middle class, increasing persecution of the remainder by creating strife between them and middle.

Of course, massive promises of cake for the weak and silencing the middle is required for that.

Micro offenderz what a deal.
SteelHands · 61-69, M
The ancients called it sacrelige. Then it was called blasphemy.

Some centuries later if was called sedition and contempt for the law.

Today they call it deplorable hate speech.
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kurokitsune · 31-35, M
We as people, can't let justice be blind, for justice is the only thing that can't be blind.
TexChik · F
In America Justice is blind . Prejudicial law is unconstitutional .
lorne13 · 61-69, M
That's trumpism
Crazywaterspring · 61-69, M
Welcome to capitalism.

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