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Beelzebub · F
I never trust anyone fully .

summersong · F
I used to think I had trouble trusting but really I trust very easily when I have reason to be comfortable doing so.
AliceMortem · 31-35, F
@summersong I used to but I learnt pretty quickly to protect myself. I'm not even sure I can fully open up these days
summersong · F
@AliceMortem that's understandable.
sogdianrock · 61-69, M
hi Adelh91
so do not trust entirely. Trust your oldest friends mostly but keep something back. That is sensible as you experience has proven.
best wishes
AliceMortem · 31-35, F
@sogdianrock I find it so sad that everything seems simple as a child, then you grow up and realise that people are really only out for themselves
UndeadPrivateer · 31-35, M
I have very literally been betrayed by one of my oldest friends, so yeah, to some degree I do. I'm almost always suspicious of people's motives and trust can be hard to truly earn from me. That doesn't mean I won't superficially trust in someone, at least, though. And I don't mean superficially as in the trust is fake, it is still trust, just that there is a hanging suspicion underneath it.

Kind of like a "I trust this person... [i]but do I really? 🤔" Which is usually followed by "Yeah, I guess so."
USER42 · M
Anxiety driven....

Or driven by past experiences?
USER42 · M
The wrap sheet speaks for itself.

My only question is why are these individuals considered "friends"?
AliceMortem · 31-35, F
@USER42 if I'd have known what they were really like they wouldn't have been.
USER42 · M
learm from it.

Move on.

Find real friends.
Its hard to trust people.
Not anymore

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