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Pinkstarburst · 51-55, F
The ability to never worry again
rckt148 · 61-69, M
@Pinkstarburst I try to pray and not worry ,but its not always easy standing on faith ,especially when someones life is involved
but that would be a good one
lka2802 · 26-30, F
@Pinkstarburst oh man count me in on this one haha

meJess · F
The power to heal anyone of anything
rckt148 · 61-69, M
@SW-User I love to fly .would love to own a wing suit
I am pushing my grandson to get his pilots licence
then he could get paid to test fly the planes he works on
and I could borrow a friends plane and he and I go flying

There is an air field in my hometown ,I have built many hanger houses there
I am sure one of the owners would let us land there
A 1 hour flight verses 4 hours in traffic ,I would pay for the fuel for that
Superhuman strength 💪!!
rckt148 · 61-69, M
@SW-User You already have super human strength
Not everyone can be kind all the time and keep their man so happy too
My love to you and Joe 🤗
@rckt148 awwwwww thank you so much my friend. 🤗
lka2802 · 26-30, F
@rckt148 Aw such a sweet response!! I appreciate the love and good vibes going around
Roach · F
Or persuasion
rckt148 · 61-69, M
In my world we call that the gift of tongues
Not the ability to babble and say God understands it

But like in the upper room where everyone hear's the message in their native tongue

I was at an event where a lady spoke and sang
She told us she was speaking in Swahili
But a lot of us swore she spoke English

It was later explained to me ,I had just been a part of a true manifestation of tongues ,I have not experienced it since
That's a great ability. I'd like that too. 🙂
TheunderdogofNY · 36-40, M
I'd prefer the ability to read minds. I prefer to know if people are being honest or just wasting my time.
rckt148 · 61-69, M
@TheunderdogofNY I was trained to profile prisoners
I was trying to get crew members to give up a captain
he was the one we wanted ,then deport the crew
So I am really good at reading people ,unless I love them
Then my giving them the benefit of the doubt always messes me up
But as a rule ,like finding something on Google
If you ask the right question ,and pay close attention
you can almost read their mind without powers

And as a rule ,the crew always gives up the Captain LOL
TheunderdogofNY · 36-40, M
@rckt148 Perhaps with some training and experience one could hope to attain that level of attention to detail.

However for a gentleman such as myself if there is a suitable shortcut (superpowers) I will gladly entertain that idea.

Lastly, loyalty is something that is rarer than the rarest gemstone. If someone's livelihood or freedom is at risk it's almost a certainty they will turn on whoever to secure themselves.
rckt148 · 61-69, M
@TheunderdogofNY Yea women who say the "don't want to hurt me "
they catch me so off guard
I guess thats why others catch hell trying to lie to me
and if they know me ,and my training
They can't be still and look me in the eye
Some have said I am a human lie detector
My family knows ,just tell me the truth
I can take the truth even if its painful
But if you will lie to me over small things
why would I trust you with my heart

So I have been fooled before ,my sons Mom is like my Mom
she can pull excuses out of her butt .and I always hoped she would learn and just stop lying ,but she just couldn't help herself
My memory and my ability to profile are both curses now
But when you do law enforcement ,and we didn't have cell phones
It was the difference if you got shot ,,or the bad guys got away
NativeOregonian · 51-55
Ika, that would be a very good ability to have. I would chose the ability to replicate any inanimate object from books and magazines.
YoungPoet345 · 26-30, F
I agree with that one. Other one would be the ability to eat good food and always stay thin. 😂

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