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61-69, F
Happy housewife, 61, trying to fake 10 years off that but nobody offers discounts anymore. Oh well.
About Me
About Me
ADDING THIS: PLEASE don't PM me out of the blue. I much prefer forum banter, not private chat. I'm new here and haven't had much of a chance to participate in forums because of all the well-intended PMs. Thank you, but instead catch me in a forum of mutual interest.

Just here to be nice and learn a thing or two. What I say will be the truth, nothing but the truth...just not the whole truth.

I much prefer exchanges in forums to extended messaging on the side; hit-and-run wisecracking to soul-baring; a good pun to a intimately phrased query asking am I wanton something. There, you see--a good pun rises where before stood none. Ka-ching!

And please, guys, don't send me a photo as a conversation starter or coax me into role play. Empty profiles? Grrrr.

If those are the things you've come to do,
with hopes of netting a bluefish,
'tis only regret you'll come to feel
'coz your catch is not milfy but shrewish.

Followers welcome, thank you, but I don't use the feature myself. Chalk it up to my hit-and-run nature.