Keitthkeys88 · 61-69, M
Tremendously, but it really sucks when they just didn't check out of a social site, but checked out on life...
jfinn298 · 26-30, M
@Keitthkeys88: Sorry to hear that man, I know that can't be easy.

Yes, very much. I moved out of state.

Yes I do they never came here when ep shut down
Peaceful · F
LadyGemini · F
A few

Not really. I'm a lone wolf
jfinn298 · 26-30, M
@ShoeLace: To each their own
BlueRaine · 51-55, F
bijouxbroussard · F
Yes, there are a few I never see, whom I miss from EP and R2T. AlmostAristotle, HippieSamurai and abstraction were dear friends.
amoonlitbarn · 31-35, M
Friends are the sweetest gift life can give sucks when they leave..